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Regional News of Friday, 17 April 2020


Source: Michael Oberteye, Contributor

Life of Christ Ministry supports coronavirus fight with 'widow's mite'

Some members of the church during the donation Some members of the church during the donation

The Life of Christ Ministry with its headquarters at Odjadornya in the Lower Manya Krobo Municipality of the Eastern Region has donated its ‘widow’s mite’ to the Manya Krobo Municipal Assembly to help them fight the coronavirus successfully.

The presentation of Ghc 1500 to the local assembly took place at the office of the Municipal Chief Executive for the area, Simon Kweku Tetteh.

Elders of the church including the Rev. V.T. Kwame who is the Lower Manya Krobo District Minister, Mrs. Gladys Kofi, Deaconess Mary Maku Teye and Presiding Elder of the church, Joshua Teye Boduah and District Secretary, Eric Boafo were present at the ceremony with Deacon Joseph Tetteh Addai presenting the money on behalf of the Church President, Apostle H.T. Kofi, to the MCE.

Explaining the reason for the gesture, Rev. V.T. Kwame who acknowledged the expected role of the church in curbing the pandemic said though its support could have been channeled into supporting individual members of the church, the church thought it wise to instead channel its contribution to the assembly through which it hopes to reach the wider population.

As religious leaders around the country and the world adhere to government plans to contain the spread of the COVID-19, many churches have been forced to suspend public services with some moving liturgical celebrations online.

While some sections of the society condemned the directive to close churches with some church leaders defying the order resulting in several arrests, Rev. V.T. Kwame recalled biblical quote which says, “a time is coming when true Christians will worship God in spirit and truth.”

He agreed with government’s directive on the closure of churches and urged all Christians to adhere to the directive as a key step towards containing the outbreak.

The District Minister admitted that though the church was equally reeling under financial challenges as a result of the outbreak, it was in the churches interest to adhere to the directive to curb the pandemic to pave way for Christians to return to worshiping in the churches.

“The coronavirus, he said, “is the public enemy of humanity. Only when all people work together to fight the disease can we overcome the pandemic.”

Receiving the donation, MCE for Lower Manya Krobo, Simon Kweku Tetteh expressed his profound gratitude to the church for its timely intervention in the fight against the pandemic in the municipality.

Despite the number of cases recorded in the area, the assembly chief regretted the “bad reportage” the area was receiving, adding that everything was under control nevertheless and maintained that the assembly acted swiftly on the outbreak.

He expressed concern on the lack of revenue for the assembly as property owners were no longer honouring the payment of their property rates, compelling the assembly to rely on alternative sources of revenue to fund its various activities.

The Eastern Region currently occupies the unenviable third place on the national coronavirus table with 41 confirmed cases, at least 32 of which were recorded in the Lower Manya Krobo municipal.