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General News of Tuesday, 17 February 2015



MASLOC is a government-Inspired stealing agency - IMANI Boss

President and Founder of IMANI Ghana, Franklin Cudjoe has described the recent Ghc1,055,582 fraud uncovered at the Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) as unfortunate, but malicious.

According to him, MASLOC over the years have been a “government-inspired stealing institution,” so therefore, he is not much surprised with its recent fraudulent act.

An acting Director of Operations of MASLOC, Ken Kwaku Boadi Asare, is alleged to have forged 102 non-existing business associations to advance Ghc1,055,582 to two financial institutions.

The suspect, who is currently on interdiction, is alleged to have acted in connivance with some regional officers of MASLOC to perpetrate the crime.

Investigators of the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) have since concluded investigations into the matter.

Reports says the docket on the case is being nailed down for onward submission to the Attorney-General’s Department for advice.

However, Franklin took to Facebook to dialogue on the rot.

Read below Franklin’s view

I am not surprised about the stealing of millions of dollars going on at the government-inspired stealing institution called MASLOC. MASLOC stands for Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) an "apex body responsible for implementing the Government of Ghana’s (GoG)
microfinance programmes targeted at reducing poverty, creating jobs and wealth.

Whoever said government's enterprises ever returned value and ever had any impact on the so called poor? If MASLOC claims its mandate includes administering "small loans to the identified poor in the various sectors of the Ghanaian economy" wouldn't be common sensical to use these millions stolen every year to give tax breaks to value-based enterprises so they can relocate to rural Ghana and employ these so-called poor people.

All the directors of MASLOC should be picked up immediately as this looks like a coordinated loot. After that MASLOC should be disbanded!!!

One other person who needs helping Ghanaians with answers to all the fires gutting only sensitive buildings is the Deputy Trade Minister, Murtala Mohamed, who boldly and loudly announced to Ghanaians that a report of a special fire investigative team from the USA had been ready two years ago and that was going to end the mystery surrounding all the fires. He even went ahead to suggest that the fire report will expose all arsonists!!!!