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General News of Friday, 6 February 2004


Source: GNA

MP withdraws allegations of murder against government

Accra, Feb. 6, GNA- Alhaji Abubakari Sumani, NDC-Choggu/Tishigu on Thursday earned the praise of the Speaker, Mr. Peter Ala Adjetey, who described him as a "very courageous person" after he had withdrawn a statement he made on the floor of Parliament alleging that the government was shielding the murderers of the Ya-Na.

The matter came up when Mr. Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, Majority Chief Whip drew the attention of the Speaker to a statement by Alhaji Sumani who was reported to have made those allegations in the official report of parliamentary proceedings captured in the Hanzard dated February 4. According to the report, Alhaji Sumani claimed the government, was shielding Ya-Na's murderers and quoted as saying "what was more corruption than that," during a debate on the President's state of the nation address.

The Chief Whip said it was an "irresponsible" statement and the member should therefore be made to substantiate the allegation, provide evidence, withdraw the allegations and apologise or the other option was to let the matter be brought to the Privileges Committee.

The Speaker had had to suspend his ruling on the matter when it came up since Alhaji Sumani was not immediately present When Alhaji Sumani showed up and was given the chance to withdraw the allegations, he instead said it was the responsibility of government to protect its citizens.

"It is surprising that two years after the murder of Ya-Na not a single person had been arrested... even the vulture killers have been arrested," Alhaji Sumani said.

Many on the majority side who were waiting for Alhaji Sumani, show remorse had attempted to go back into history to make some references.

The Speaker was quick in his interventions saying since the allegation was of a very serious nature and have linked the failure of the government to apprehend the murders to that of shielding them was inconclusive, and could not stand as evidence, which the Member, being a lawyer should know.

It was at this stage that the Speaker firmly ruled that Alhaji Sumani should withdraw the allegation and apologise.

When he got up the member said he had great respect for the Speaker and was therefore withdrawing the allegations and apologising to the Speaker, although he still held strong convictions that the truth of the chief murder would one day be known.

The speaker who was satisfied, thanked the member said: "thanks... it takes courage to do so... you are an honourable man."

Although the Speaker expressed satisfaction at the way the matter had been resolved and was eager to let matters rest there, the majority side were aggrieved and shouted "to you ... to you..," claiming that the apology was directed at the Speaker and not to the government.

The Senior Minister raised strong objections to this saying that it was only proper that the apology be directed to the government.

The Speaker, eager to make peace reign in the House said it was always impossible to please every side and what was important was that the member had withdrawn the allegation and apologised.