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Diasporia News of Monday, 8 March 2004


Source: Ghana High Commission-Freetown

March 6 Celebrated With A Difference In Freetown

Ghana's 47th Independence Anniversary was celebrated in a different style in Freetown, Sierra Leone last Saturday, March 6, 2004.

Instead of the customary cocktail receptions that mark such anniversaries, the Ghana High Commission in collaboration with the Association of Ghana Industries and the Ghana Export Promotion Council organised a special one-week long Made-In-Ghana Goods Exhibition to mark the day.

His Excellency Alhaji Dr. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone was the Guest of Honour. Also present were the Vice-President of the Republic of Sierra Leone,Honourable Solomon Berewa, Dr. Nii Noi Ashong, Minister of State for Finance and Economic Planning of Ghana, Mr. Andrew Lawson, Executive Secretary of AGI, the Chief Justice of Sierra Leone, the Speaker of Parliament and a cross-section of Sierra Leone Society.

The ceremony began with an inspection of a guard of honour formed by the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces and a flagrasing ceremony of the flags of Ghana and Sierra Leone. The Ghanaian national anthem was played by the the band unit of the Sierra Leone Armed Forces whilst a band from Ghanaian troops serving in Sierra Leone played the national anthem of the host nation.

A Ghanaian cultural group was also on hand to provide glimpses of Ghanaian culture.

In a speech before he cut the tape to open the exhibition, President Kabbah described March 6, 1957 as a milestone in the history of Africa and regretted that the dream of Ghana's first Prime Minister, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was yet to be realised.

President Kabbah who was appropriately dressd in a shirt with the photographs of Nkrumah and other founding fathers of the Organisation of African Unity embossed on it, equally regretted that the original ideal of ECOWAS was not in full play.

He however pledged that his government in collaboration with other governments will work steadfastly for a more united Africa in which goods and people will move freely.

He said that he was happy at the growing bonds of friendship between the people of Sierra leone and Ghana.

H.E. Habral Blay-Amihere, Ghana's High Commissioner to Sierra Leone said in his address that March 6, 1957 was a great watershed in the history of Ghana and Africa which opened the gates of freedom for all Africans.

He said that it was encouraging to note that 47 years after its independence, Ghana still remained committed to the dream of the founding fathers to use Ghana's independence and nationhood to promote a better life for all Africa.

He said that Ghana owed it as a duty to Africa and the world to remain a model of good governance and said that the decision of the government of Ghana to offer itself and the nation as the first country to be reviewed under the Peer Mechanism Review under NEPAD showed how much progress the nation has made in democratic governance.

According to High Commisssioner Kabral, the decision to hold the exhbition was to showcase Ghana's modest successes and above all create a platform for greater interaction between the peoples of the two countries.

He urged African countries to use commerce to advance regional intergration and decvelopment.

Touching on Sierra Leone-Ghana relsations which date to the past, he said that relations have grown better, richer and closer under the presidencies of President Kufuor and President Kabbah.

Dr. Ni Noi Ashong also called for more trade between African countries and expressed the hope that the coming years will see increased trade between Ghana and Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leone's Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr. Khadi Sesay,said that the manufacturing industry of Sierra Leone had a lot to learn from Ghana and hoped that they will take advantage of the fair to form longstanding partnerships.

The Excutive Secretary of AGI, Mr. Lawson who traced the history of AGI, said that the AGI was happy to take its trade wagon to Sierra Leone and hoped that out of the fair will merge more economic links.

About 30 companies from Ghana are taking part in the weeklong exhibition which will be rounded off on March 13, 2004 with a dance and a thanksgiving service the next day.

Meanwhile in line with the policy of the Government of Ghana to showcase Ghana's achievements,only drinks, food and other products from Ghana are being used at all social events to mark Ghana's 47th Independence Anniversary in Sierra Leone.