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General News of Wednesday, 7 February 2018



Martin Amidu's actions hypocritical - Asiedu Nketia

Martin Amidu Martin Amidu

Martin Amidu, the former Attorney General in the Atta Mills administration has been accused by the Natinal Democratic Congress (NDC) calling him a hypocrite for accepting the position of the Special Prosecutor appointment.

Martin Amidu, who has been called by many as Citizen Vigilante for the courageous act he exhibited by single handedly dragging Business Agbesi Woyome to court over the judgement debt paid to him was appointed by President Akufo-Addo last month.

He is currently waiting to be vetted on February 13 for the nomination and subsequently appointed as the country's first Special Prosecutor.

The NDC side has however claimed that by accepting the appointment, he has acted in a hypocritical manner.

In a statement signed by Asiedu Nketia, the General Secretary of the NDC, he expressed his surprise over how Mr Amidu will “challenge” the constitutionality of the Special Prosecutor’s office and turn back to accept the job.

The statement further stated that, “Our issue with the nomination of Mr. Martin Amidu is based purely and solely on important matters of principle. We note among others that Mr. Amidu has previously published a document challenging the constitutionality of the newly established Office of Special Prosecutor, the very office he has accepted to occupy”.

Moreover, it read , “We believe that it is in the supreme national interest that the appointment of the person to head such an important institution be carefully thought through, that above all such an individual should enjoy the respect and confidence of all sides of the polity, and must have the impartiality and objectivity of a judge and the integrity of a clergyman. The office must not be seen or treated as a political outpost for witch-hunting or the performance of hatchet jobs for an incumbent administration. That would most definitely lead to needless socio-political tensions and national instability.”

The major opposistion sied of Parliament the NDC has however stated that the House should apply fairness in the vetting process of the former Attorney General before being appointed to the position stating that "good governance, accountability and probity” must be involced in the process.

“The NDC therefore expects that when the time comes for the vetting of the nominee for the position of Special Prosecutor, Parliament will discharge its obligation mindful of the above constitutional provisions. In the interest of good governance, accountability, probity and fair play, we urge that the national debate and the forthcoming vetting of the nominee be guided by these principles and not by the rather shrill partisanship that we have begun to witness among the rather predictable sections of the political spectrum,” the statement added.