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Regional News of Tuesday, 24 May 2016


Source: GNA

Minister calls for integrated approach to conflicts

Mr Kenneth Gilbert Adjei, Deputy Minister of Defence, said the changing dynamics of armed conflicts over the last two decades require an integrated approach to peace operations.

He said the multi-dimensional activities and resources that are handled in peace operations demand that comprehensive and coordinated measures are taken by the actors in order to achieve the desired goals.

Mr Adjei was speaking at the opening of the 2016 Peace Operations Course at the Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College (GAFCSC) in Accra.

The 10-day course is aimed at providing middle level military officers, officers from allied security agencies and middle level directors of selected institutions with the skills and knowledge of operational level planning, coordination and conduct of peace operations.

He said peace operation activities may include stabilisation operations, humanitarian relief, security sector reforms, reconstruction and economic recovery support, governance and democratic restructuring among others.

Mr Adjei said peace operations currently constitute a major intervention tool for the international community in the management and resolution of conflicts and the maintenance of peace and security, particularly for the United Nations and Regional/Sub-regional organisation.

He said within the African continent, peace operations remain a key intervention tool for the management and resolution of conflicts by the African Union and Regional Economic Communities.

“I am duly informed that the module culminates with an ECOWAS Combined Joint African Exercise from June 6- June 10, 2016 with an aim to train participants to acquire the practical skills needed in a joint multinational and inter-agency environment in order to develop a better understanding of the challenges involved in peace planning support operations,” he said.

Mr Adjei said it is critical that stakeholders understand the challenges and opportunities available to make the mission mandate successful in a coordinated manner.

He said the course seeks to expose participants to an advanced and critical understanding of peace operations as a concept and practice in the international system.

The Deputy Minister said the course would provide the appropriate platform for participants to better appreciate the nature and evolution of peace operations in response to contemporary changing conflicts dynamics.

“It will also expose the military to the command, staff and leadership challenges that participation in the peace operations poses to officers in command and staff positions,” he said.

He said the limited duration of the course would not be possible to widen the scope of the course outline beyond what was captured in the course instructions.

Mr Adjei urged the participants to use the forum to value each other roles and responsibilities and achieve the objectives of the course.

Air Vice Marshal Sakibu Kadiri, Commandant of the GAFCSC thanked the Deputy Minister of his support to the college.

He also presented a citation to CDH Financial Holdings Limited and thanked them for the support rendered the college in the past years.