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Diasporia News of Thursday, 13 March 2014


Source: Prince

Ministers fellowship organizes Ghana exalts the lord

The Ghanaian Ministers Fellowship (DC, MD, VA) organized GHANA EXALTS THE LORD on Saturday 1st March in Woodbridge Va to mark Ghana’s 57th Independence anniversary. The colorful event, which was well-attended was the needed spiritual booster Ghana badly needs to break through into rapid development at this time in our history.

The audience was inspired with songs from Faith Sanctuary Choir, Crossroads Choir, Church of the Living God Choir, and Rev. Carol Bridi Williams. Okyerema Asante and the Youth Dancing Group from Ebenezer Presby Church topped it up with electrifying performances.

Rev. K. O Gyimah, of Church of the Living God in his chairman’s remarks to the audience recounted aspects of Ghana’s history that demonstrated God’s bountiful mercies on the nation, and called on Ghanaians to be grateful to God at all times.

Pastor Thomas Ofosuhene of Breakthrough Ministries led the audience to pray for elimination of corruption and for rapid development in the land.

General Apostle Edwin K Otabil of End-Time Glory Int’l, President of GMF spoke about the necessity of lifting up Jesus for God to lift up a people.

He spoke about how the Father set the example for us by lifting up Jesus above every other person.(Philippians 2:9-11). He further explained that Jesus called John the Baptist the greatest man born of a woman, just because John the Baptist sought to decrease in order for Jesus to increase. ( John 3:30). Rev. Edwin Otabil said the lifting of self, no matter who or where always produces corruption and disappointments . Ghana should therefore exalt the Lord so his Presence can fill our churches and his Glory will fill the nation with rapid development.( Isaiah 6:1-8).

GHANA EXALTS THE LORD is the event for the Ghanaian community to express gratitude to God and to seek Him for a brighter future. The GHANAIAN MINISTERS FELLOWSHIP(DC, MD, VA) have broken new grounds and set the pace in lifting up Jesus for Him to show himself alive to us with infallible proofs.

To contact the GHANAIAN MINISTERS FELLOWSHIP call: 571-278-1216, 703-855-6836, 571-594-3771, 703-628-6993.

e-up for Ghana Exalts the Lord program. Rev Clarke will email you the pictures that accompany the write-up. Thanks