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Diasporia News of Saturday, 3 December 2011


Source: Atta-Krufi, Hayford

Mr President Get Your House In Order -NPP UK

NPP UK and Ireland is calling on President to dismiss Dr Kwabena Duffour, Dr Seth Terkpeh, Fifi Kwetey, all from the Ministry of Finance and Dr Joe Oteng Adjei, Inusah Fuseini and Emmanuel Buah all from the Ministry of Energy and refer them to the Economics and Financial Crimes Organisation investigate how an illegal tax was imposed on Ghanaians and to find out where GHC661 million which has been calculated to have accrued from this illegal tax has ended up. We also call for the current Boards of Ghana National Petroleum Commission, The Tema Oil Refinery, National Petroleum Authority and Energy Commission to be dissolved since they have failed Ghanaians and participated in a gigantic fraud to obtain money by deception from innocent Ghanaians who are extremely suffering from high utility bills and transports costs.

We wish to remind President Mills that he promised Ghanaians that he would reduce petrol prices drastically when he was elected into office. Since then he has increased petrol prices drastically seven (7) times since 2009. It is unbelievable that our President who is a Law Professor will allow a law to be imposed outside Parliament to collect taxes from the people. What the President has done is only comparable with the biblical crimes of Ananias and Sapphira, who withheld church money and used it for their selfish desires. President Mills and his minister have subverted and undermined the constitution and took money from Ghanaians without asking them.

It was the vigilance and patriotism of the current NPP parliamentary candidate for Obuasi and youth activist Mr Kwaku Kwarteng that has halted this wicked and cruel tax by the government. This young man decided to put his country first, to fight for justice for all, especially our taxi drivers, tro-tro drivers, fishermen, workers, truck drivers and market women who have been complaining bitterly about these cruel ex-pump fuel prices the NDC has imposed since 2009.

We call on CHRAJ to put our country first and investigate all financial transactions involving this government, including the unusual high salaries of members of all members of the Office of Government Machinery who are earning an average of GHC3500 a month, six times higher than what a teacher earns. We also call for more investigations into the $11million disappearance of FIFA monies, the $7.2million expenditure of the world cup budget at the Ministry of Youth and Sports in 2010, the $4.5 million difference disappearance regarding oil revenue, the $48 million oil shipping scandal, GHC4 billion spent on a budget workshop by the Ministry of Finance, the failure to account for GHC300 million road tolls, the GHC3million financial scandal at the Forestry Commission, the attempted use of state funds to pay off Koreans under the bogus STX deal, the award of school and building contracts without tender, the acceptance of a BMW luxury car by Transport Minister Joe Gidisu at the expense of our choked roads and other numerous scandals.

We know President Mills has given up running our country but at least he owes a duty to all Ghanaians to stop individuals from continuing to steal and misuse public funds recklessly.

God Save Ghana

Hayford Atta Krufi For and on behalf of NPP UK and Ireland