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General News of Tuesday, 20 December 2016



My stamina has been tested – Akufo-Addo

Nana Akufo-Addo Nana Akufo-Addo

President-elect Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, at the New Patriotic Party’s thanksgiving service in Accra on Sunday, recalled with nostalgia his involvement in political battles for decades, in his quest to serve mother Ghana.

Alluding to the fact that he had been through thick and thin, he revealed that the fights were intended to enable him to pay his quota to the development of the land of his birth, emphasizing that his personal journey to this day had been a long one.

“A journey of over four decades, working shoulder to shoulder with fellow patriots and nationalists for democracy in our beloved Ghana, our stamina has been tested. But we kept going in the full belief that the battle was the Lord’s,” he explained.

According to the president-elect, “We stumbled many times along the way. Sometimes we came tantalizingly close to the proverbial walls of the city but, painfully the city gates were closed in our faces.

“But we never lost hope. We learnt from each mistake and we soldiered on, in the belief that in His own time, we will get there, better prepared.”

The Accra Sports Stadium, venue for the thanksgiving service was a sight to behold, as thousands of supporters and sympathizers of the NPP, massed up to offer thanks and appreciation to God, for granting their prayer request to emerge victorious in this year’s elections.

Prior to the December polls, the NPP and its leader, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, hinged their message to the Ghanaian electorate on the catchphrase, ‘the battle is the Lord’s’ – even after two unsuccessful attempts – and committed the process of the polls into the hands of God.

The Sunday Christian service had the presence of NPP supporters massively felt. The environment was painted white and with party paraphernalia meant to show appreciation to God. There was joy all over the stadium, as they danced blissfully, even after the main service.

Clothed in white apparel and beaming with smiles all over, Nana Addo, in his remarks reminded the people that though the party and the country were in moments of praise for the victory and peace respectively, the fact still remained that there were huge tasks ahead as a nation which needed the support of all and sundry.

“Now, even as we praise God for his immense kindness and Grace towards our country, we also know that we have a lot of work ahead of us. It is a task that we can and will perform with your support, with your hard work; with your unceasing prayers and with the full blessing of God.”

He quoted the book of Isaiah 40:31, which spoke about the reward of waiting patiently on the Lord, saying he waited on the Lord, hence the victory.

“Let us, then, renew our strength and our faith, and get ourselves ready for the work ahead. I have no doubts at all that with God on our side, we shall succeed. The good Lord has promised that in His own time, He will make all things beautiful. This is His appointed time. And that is why the battle is still the Lord’s!!” Nana indicated.

Nana Akufo-Addo also expressed his gratitude to his Vice-President elect, Dr. Bawumia and Wife, Samira Bawumia, not forgetting the first lady in waiting, Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo.

He was full of praise for the campaign team, with particular mention of the Campaign Manager, Mr. Peter Mac Manu and the leader of the Presidential Transition Team, Mr. Osafo Maafo, for their unflinching support.

“What can I say, my dear friends, but to thank the Almighty God and rejoice in His everlasting goodness and kindness to us all. My heart is full as I stand before you today, washed over by the enormity of the wonders He has wrought. And I am grateful to all the clergy assembled here, who have led us in this stirring service.

“Let me thank all of you, the many thousands that have come out here today to join us to give thanks and praise to the Lord and the many, many more around the country. Indeed, thanks to modern technology, I know there are many others around the globe who are watching and joining us in this most satisfying endeavour,” he said.

He could not ignore the emotional convergence of events on the evening of Friday December 9, 2016, when the President John Dramani Mahama called him to concede defeat in the best tradition of Ghanaian statesmanship.

He narrated the sad Gambian story where “President Yahya Jammeh of The Gambia was renouncing the surprising concession of his defeat in elections held a week before”, saying “We are a blessed people in Ghana and we must appreciate the goodness of the Lord and work ceaselessly to deserve His grace.”

Meanwhile, last Friday actually began the journey for the thanksgiving service of the NPP, where President-elect Nana Addo, his entourage and some party faithful joined their Muslim friends to thank Allah for the victory of the party and the peace of the country at the Central Mosque in Accra.

Nana Addo, in the company of the rank and file of the party was welcomed by the National Chief Imam, Sheikh Nuhu Shaributu, who later led the usual Friday congregational [Jumaah] prayers.

Addressing the congregation after the prayers, Nana Akufo-Addo first thanked the Chief Imam for his role in supporting him to victory, while calling for the support of every Ghanaian to enable him to deliver on his promises to the people.