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Press Releases of Sunday, 12 December 2021


Source: Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation

Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation lends a helping hand to Akropong School for the Blind

The donated items include bottled water, bags of rice tins of milk and other provisions The donated items include bottled water, bags of rice tins of milk and other provisions

Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation is a Christian NGO made up of working-class individuals (doctors, nurses, lecturers, security officers, engineers, entrepreneurs etc.) who have come together to pool some resources together in aid of alleviating the plight of the poor, needy and less privileged in society.

Their Mission is to mobilize these resources internally (from members) and externally from Corporate Ghana, Donor Agencies, Foreign Aids, Philanthropists and Benevolent Organizations for the purpose of assisting the vulnerable in society with education, skills development and training and inculcating in them the “Can do Spirit “of carving a niche for a brighter future. Hence the slogan "Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation!!! Caring for the Needy and Less privileged in Society". All these in a bid to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which include: Zero Hunger, No Poverty, Quality Education, Good Health and Wellbeing, Clean Water and Sanitation.

December 3 has been designated by the United Nations as International Day of Persons with disability. Each year on this day, the World Health Organization joins other partners around the world to commemorate the day. Interestingly, this year, the farmers day celebrations in Ghana appeared to have overshadowed any celebration that should focus on Persons with disability.

Nonetheless, Myhelp-Yourhelp foundation as part of its 3rd Anniversary opted to put smiles on the faces of students and teachers of the Akropong school of the blind in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Their motivation was from a scripture in the Bible: Luke 14:13-14 “But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just.”

Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation fed about 400 students, teaching and non-teaching staff and other dignitaries present. They also donated assorted items worth over 43,000 GHS.

Items Donated Included
1. Sachet Water - 50 Bags
2. Bottled Water - 17 Packs
3. Faytex Sanitary Pad - 9 Boxes
4. Toilet Roll - 612 Pieces
5. Life Buoy Soap - 3 Boxes
6. Hand Sanitizer - 20 Pieces
7. Hand Washing Soap - 24 Pieces
8. Soft Drinks - 15 Packs
9. Mackerel - 4 Boxes
10. Pepsodent Toothpaste - 3 Boxes
11. Close Up Toothpaste - 2 Boxes
12. Milk - 5 Packs
13. Tin Tomatoes 1 Box
14. Maize - 2 Bags
15. Millet- 2 Bags
16. Rice - 4 Bags
17 Sugar- 2 Bags
18. Bed Sheet- 400 Pieces
19. Pillowcases - 400 Pieces

Profile Of Akropong School Of The Blind

The Akropong School for the Blind is a government supported school established in 1945 by Presbyterian Missionaries for the visually impaired. It has the regular school from Kindergarten to Junior High School. It has a rehabilitation center for adult visually impaired people, a vocational department for artisanal training and a music department to train those talented in that field. The school currently houses over 370 students aside teaching and non-teaching staff.

Activities and donation

In a welcome address by the Headmistress of the school; Madam Veronica Dery, appreciated the visit of Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation and stated that it's timely. She further mentioned that although the school receives donations from time to time, these are woefully inadequate to cater for its ever-increasing needs. There's no better love than this, likening it to the selfless submission of Jesus Christ. With the school’s motto being: “My help comes from God”, God brought us help from Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation. She however expressed worry about how some parents abandoned their wards entirely after enrolling them in the school. This compelled some students to spend the vacation period in the school. She took the opportunity to appeal to parents not to perceive their “disabled” children as a liability but to give them all the needed support and love in order to enable them to live their dreams.

Madam Jessie Dzokoto of the Akuapem-South social welfare and community development: Speaking in the local dialect reminded everyone present that disabilities exist which may mostly not be the fault of those affected. She therefore urged everyone to follow the footsteps of Myhelp-Yourhelp foundation.

In an address, Madam Angelina Nagertey (Head of social welfare at the Akuapem South Municipal Assembly), pointed out that it is the responsibility of all and sundry to support persons with disability. She added an appeal to the government to increase the common fund to support the vulnerable in society. She also urged all civil societies and philanthropists to come on board to assist persons with disability and commended Myhelp-Yourhelp foundation for a very good job done.

The students entertained their guests to music performances, Quiz competitions, News casting and mimicking of various animals. Members of the foundations could not but allow themselves to be swept off their feet onto the dancing floor by the remarkable musical performance by the school band along with some of the students and dignitaries present.

According to the Founder and CEO of Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation, Mr. Nicholas Cofie, the talents exhibited by the students on the day confirms the words of Mark Twain “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus”. He expressed ultimate fulfillment just by the contentment emanating from the faces of these young ones.

He however mentioned that the Foundation was unable to do many such projects since it relies mostly on the contributions of its members to undertake its projects. But he believed that, as stated by Hudson Taylor, — "God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply".
He applauded the following Sponsors.
1. Virtue Clothing
2. Unilever Ghana Ltd
3. Bond Savings & Loans
4. Randa Cakes & More
5. Cake Haven Gh
6. Nuvivcakes
7. Labianca
8. Obiri Yeboah Foundation
9. Jodi Constructions
10. Abbi’s Healthy Fruit Juice
11. Salama Transport
12. Liberty Industry Ventures
and all others who supported this mission in cash or kind.

Rev. Samuel Adjei-Debrah (Apostolic Church of Ghana and PNC Presidential hopeful) indicated that everyone is a candidate of disability. He hence called on government to plan for the disabled and vulnerable in society, who are in the minority. He further encouraged other affluent individuals and corporate bodies to emulate the gesture by Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation.

Receiving the Items, The Coordinator for Akuapem south municipal assembly, Madam Lydia Akueteh expressed great satisfaction at the initiative of the NGO. She threw a challenge to other NGOs to follow suite.

In an interaction with the students, Beatrice Cofie could not hide her joy. She, on behalf of her colleagues, exhibited utmost appreciation for this gesture as they laid their beds with the newly presented bedsheets and pillowcases. She further urged government to complement this by assisting with the provision of textbooks and laptops to aid teaching and learning.

The foundation, prior to the project held over the weekend, had successfully undertaken 14 Major projects since its inception on March 28, 2018: 7 orphanage projects and 7 Community based projects.

The orphanage projects undertaken so far include donations at:
1. Mother’s Care at Agona Swedru, Central Region on 3rd April 2021
2. Nyamedua Orphanage on 14th March 2021 – A Partnership with Educom World
3. Nector Foundation at Lower Manya Krobo on May 1, 2020 - Eastern Region.
4. Royal Seed Orphanage at Bawjiase in the Central Region December 21, 2019.
5. Porters Village Orphanage at Dodowa on April 19, 2019 - Eastern Region
6. City of Refuge Orphanage at Shai Hills on December 22, 2018 - Eastern Region
7. The Eye of the Lord Orphanage at Nsawam on March 31, 2018 - Eastern Region

The 7 Community based projects undertaken so far consist of:
1. Feeding of street kids (from Opeibea to Madina-Zongo Junction) on July 31, 2021
2. Donation at Osamkrom Camp Prisons at Agona Swedru, Central Region on 3rd April 2021
3. Love Feast with the people of Takyikrom- Eastern Region and commissioning of Constructed Borehole & Classrooms on December 19, 2020.
4. Feeding of street kids (37 hospital - Madina Zongo Junction) on September 11, 2020 -A partnership with Rockzwaakye
5. Face Mask distribution at Chorkor on August 8, 2020 - A partnership with Give Me Hope Foundation
6. Covid-19 donation in the slums of East Legon Area, Accra on April 12, 2020 - a partnership with Axis Pension Trust
7. Free Health screening at Junction Mall - 7th December ,2019 (Farmers Day)

The President, on behalf of the entire Leadership of the Foundation, further expressed his profound gratitude to all members of the foundation for their maximum support towards the love feast and donation Programme, especially to persons who gave their valued time to plan the programme, those who sought for sponsorship, people who gave their substance (money and items), the caterers and drivers for the day, the media team and all members who travelled with the team to assist in making the programme successful. He also thanked all who stood in the gap to pray at dawn and in secret, for this accomplishment.