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Diasporia News of Saturday, 3 August 2013


Source: g. ofori anor

NCOGA Annual Summer Picnic is Back

This year, the New York area annual Ghanaian picnic will take place on the 10th day of August at the peoples’ Crotona Park in the people’s town of the “Bogey Down” Bronx in the peoples’ city of New York from 10 a.m. till 7 p.m. (time prescribed and strictly enforced by police according to city ordinance).

As in past picnics, the main focus remains to showcase and celebrate Ghanaian culture. A mini parade will feature Ghanaians, chaperoned in their traditional garbs, accompanied by a cacophony of authentic music and songs performed by live musicians, stroll elegantly unto the picnic grounds. The rest of the afternoon will see families and friends take bites and sips out of foods and soft drinks (alcohol strictly forbidden) brought from home while musicians and djs play and spin their songs away. Dancers and gamester will dance and perform just like we do in the towns and villages of culture-rich Ghana.

Expect the Ashantis, Ewes, Nzemas, Gas, Akuapems, Fantes, Akyems, Krobos, Kwahus, Dagombas, Brongs and others to jump and bump as they proudly portray what makes them uniquely different and yet part of the great Ghanaian cultural mosaic.

Corona Park, off Tremont Avenue in the Bronx is the venue, flush in the center of the boro which arguably holds the largest concentration of Ghanaians outside their homeland. This is our way of bringing the event to the people instead of the other way around.

As the picnickers and revelers freak themselves out, count in the large band of certified vendors and commercial sponsors who will be busy making quick bucks by peddling their wares or advertising their businesses to the proud and discerning tastes of Ghanaians and their guests.

We are assured by Providence of a great weather. Folks are eager to burn away the icy put-ons of winter. Musicians are just too ready to serve their versions of highlife / "azonto" delicacies. The culture buffs have their costumes all hanged out and ready to go. With the collaborative efforts of the National Council, the Parade Council and the Ghanaian Consulate in New York in full gear, all anyone can do is to drag themselves to Crotona and sing the "na na naa na" party song with throngs of countrymen and compatriots! Better still, admission is free!

Special Guests

• Ghana’s Permanent Ambassador to the UN H.E Ken Kanda

• All Ghanaian Achievers – Taxi Drivers, Nurses Aids, CNAs, Security Guards, Doctors, Nurses, Store Owners, Hotel Workers, Teachers Lawyers, Accountants, Office Workers, Hospital Workers, Pastors, Hair Dressers, Business owners, Bankers, Media Folks, DJs and Musicians, Diplomats, etc

• The Youth – NCOGA Scholarship Alumni, All students

See y’all there. I will be there. Executive Secretary General 718-690-6873