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General News of Sunday, 2 December 2012


Source: Desmond Bress-Biney

NDC Government Must Fall At All Cost – UGAG

The first paragraph of the preamble of the 1992 constitution of the republic of Ghana makes it clear that the main reason why we elect a government as a people is for the government to promote the welfare of the people. I quote “IN EXERCISE of our natural and inalienable right to establish a framework of government, which shall secure for us and posterity the blessings of liberty, equality of opportunity and prosperity”

Having observed this government for the past 47 months in government; it has become clear that the government is not interested in the fulfilment of this duty placed upon it by the constitution that brought them into existence. Graduate Unemployment, by our research, is almost 100,000. Since the formation of the Association in 2010, we have consistently advocated for Job creation and the enabling environment to attract positive investments into the economy in order to create private Jobs, yet our advocacy has amounted to nothing in the eyes of this NDC government.

Instead of creating jobs for Ghanaians, they have continually been awarding contracts to non Ghanaians thus denying the young Graduates the opportunity of getting Jobs to do in the country. In our attempt to work with state institutions to get jobs for our members, we have always been stampeded with many attempts by some unscrupulous persons in NDC to politicise UGAG. Some state institutions have even requested that before they can provide jobs for our members, the Association ought to declare its support for the NDC government. These are state institutions that are expected to be neutral and non political.

The government of Ghana has failed to create a pleasant economic environment for Fresh graduates who are interested in establishing their own businesses. It is in this same Ghana that the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) recently awarded GHC 20,000 to its board Chairman as a birthday gift, when we know that GHC 20,000 can set up jobs for over 40 young graduates. Today in Accra, on the average, one will have to pay for 5 years advance in order to get a small cubicle to use as office or shop as opposed to the rent control law which states that rent advance must not be paid for more than 6 months. This government has failed to correct this abnormality, compounding the difficulty in renting offices and shops to begin their own work.

Today in Ghana, no Bank is willing to give loans for start up business, yet the long awaited Graduate Business Support Scheme of the NDC government has never materialised. Today in Ghana, it is all about whom you know if you want to work in any state agency or ministry or government institution, yet there are many vacancies that need to be filled by fresh graduates with fresh ideas and energies. The economic environment is just unfriendly to the unemployed graduate and we find it blameable on the President of the current administration for failing to ensure that our graduates and the youth are considered in any policy formulation.

We are very unhappy that instead of finding solutions to the graduate unemployment in this country, they are rather trying to gag the UGAG by attacking some known personalities in the association and also attempting to give juicy job offers to only the leaders and not the entire members. We shall resist these Machiavellian tactics, for we know that the order of the day demands that we resist.

We are law abiding citizens and we believe in the rule of law. If any government fails to achieve its core duties and mandate, then that government must fall through the ballot box. By the conduct of this NDC government, we have realised that they are ENEMIES TO JOB CREATION. We have an opportunity to exercise our franchise come December 7th and we are by this note calling on all unemployed youth to make sure that this government falls through the ballot box. We believe that this will serve as a deterrent to all future governments and they will seek to create jobs for us all.

We are very much convinced that the actions and inactions of the current NDC government are objectionable, nauseating and completely unacceptable.

Long live Ghana Short live Graduate unemployment!!!

Desmond Bress-Biney Operations Director (UGAG) [email protected] 0243765958