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Politics of Wednesday, 13 August 2003


Source: The Heritage

NDC Killed CPP -Egala

A Convention People's Party (CPP) Chairmanship aspirant, Mr. Iddrisu Egala, has accused the National Democratic Congress (NDC) of being responsible for the disintegration of the legacy of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.
Mr. Egala said that even after the overthrow of the PNP administration on December 31, 1981, Nkurmaists remained united until the NDC was formed, following which some of the Party faithful started deserting the fold for reasons only known to them.
In an exclusive interview with The Heritage, last weekend after he formally launched his campaign, Mr. Egala said "My leadership as the chairman will foster greater discipline and unity within the party. I consider these as the pillars of the electoral strength of the party".
Mr. Egala, a Chartered Accountant, and son of the late PNP chairman, Imoro Egala, expressed regret that the CPP suffered intimidation and had been sidelined by other political parties for far too long, especially the NDC, and that the time had come for the party to unite and reclaim its lost glory.
He told The Heritage that the CPP was the party that overcame the barriers of ethnicity and separatism to win independence for a united Ghana and it is the party that truly represents the unity of the Nation.
"My candidature is the new dawn in the re-organization of the CPP and the building of a strong and self-sustaining party organizational structures from the polling station level to the national".
Asked about the possibility of an alliance for the 2004 general elections, Mr. Egala said that an alliance for now did not feature in his scheme of things.
"At the moment our preoccupation is to build a credible and independent party with viable organizational structures and a district social philosophy for electoral determination by the good people of Ghana", he stressed.
On recent accusations in the media that Mr. Egala, as a brother-in-law to Vice President Aliu Mahama is allegedly being sponsored by the CPP Parliamentary Action Group (PAG) to capture the CPP Chairman to execute an NPP agenda, Mr. Egala denied it outright, describing the rumour as "blatant lies without any foundation."
He told The Heritage that "no true Nkrumahist" would ever join the United Party (UP) tradition who claim to be liberal democrats.
Mr. Egala called on all true Nkrumaists who have decamped to other parties to "come back home where they will be well received with a big heart."
Also in the chairmanship race with Mr. Egala are Dr. Edmund Delle, a medical practitioner who lost to the current chairman four years ago, and Mr. Felix Amoah, a former PNP Minister.
Those contesting for the CPP presidential slot at the congress scheduled for September 20 are Mr. George Aggudey, who was "mago-magoed" four years ago and Alhaji Ibrahim Mahama, the CPP's vice-presidential candidate in the 2000 presidential election. It was not clear at press time if Mr. Ato Sackey, who first threw his hat into the ring is still in the race.
Vying for vice chairmen are Mr. Johnny Hansen, William Buckman, Madam Araba Bentsi-Enchil and Mike Eghan.