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Diasporia News of Tuesday, 25 September 2012


Source: Sarpong, Nana Yaw

NDC UK Should Find Something Better To Do

Our attention as been drawn to a press release on signed by the youth wing of the NDC UK and Ireland alleging that the NPP had flown a supposed lady to the UK to engage in some diabolical agenda against President John Mahama. This to us must be something from the Tintin comics titled “Flight 714” or “Crab with the Golden Claws” or perhaps one of Kwaku Ananse stories? The NPP and its overseas branches really have something better to do with their time, resources and most importantly with their lives rather than engage in diversionary tactics and storytelling. If the NDC UK and Ireland youth want to do this then its up to them. Whoever wrote this cheap shot even could not sign his or her name under the release, they must have serious problems in their branch!

The serious business of politics and especially being a constructive opposition party is not to shy away from criticism, and if the leader of the country is extremely corrupt and reckless we will not shy away from it neither will we make any apologies for our criticism. Our country needs good governance to develop and grow .Why should we keep quiet when leaders like John Mahama prefer to pay 642 million Ghana cedis in fraudulent judgement debts to the likes of Alfred Agbesi Woyome who was paid the equivalent of 20 million pounds, Construction Pioneers and others rather than invest in our children’s future? A President who himself ,together with his family members benefitted from free education yet seeks to deny millions of Ghanaian children the same privilege ! Of course we will criticise him and rightly so. • A President who has so far failed to declare his assets since he took office after the questionable death of our late President JEA Mills. • A President who uses SSNIT an organisation dedicated to securing the future of our elderly workforce before they retire to absorb his brother’s company bad debts, meaning the blood of workers is being used as insurance to protect one man, is this part of the Better Ghana Agenda ? • A President who has so many unanswered questions about his private and public life and whether he can even pass the morality test. • A President who has failed to support the NDC Green book of achievements printed at huge cost to the taxpayer. • A President who gives 43 million dollars of tax incentives to Chinese companies like Huang Hwei while Ghanaian companies are starved of support and access to funding. • A President who deceived our hardworking police and military officers by telling them he was going to build 30,000 houses through STX and ended up cutting sods . Those lands are now like the Kalahari desert, empty, barren and full of broken promises. • A President who gave 264 million dollars of insurance and sovereign guarantees to strangers like STX Korea. Where is the money Mr President? • A President whose party promised one time premium, fisheries college, universities to start in September this yearin Brong Ahafo and Volta, those promises are gathering dust on the shelf behind his chair at the castle. • A President who cannot make any serious decisions ,cannot make up his mind on foreign policy, A President who calls himself a youth but has hair white as snow. NPP remains focused and our message to Ghanaians is Vote Out John Mahama and his extremely divided visionless NDC party and vote in Nana Akufo Addo so we can pick up this beautiful country called Ghana and move it forward .

Nana Yaw Sarpong Communications Officer NPP UK 07983302369