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Diasporia News of Monday, 13 October 2003



NPP Congress In Chicago Ends With New Executives

WASHINGTON, D.C: The North America branch of the National Patriotic Party (NPP, has successfully concluded its National Annual Delegates' Congress at the Four Point Sheraton Midway Hotel in Chicago, IL on September 14, 2003. Approximately, 70 delegates representing the following states or cities both in Canada and the United States attended: Minneapolis, Minnesota; Kentucky; Washington, DC; Montreal, Canada; Newark, NJ; New York, NY; San Francisco, CA; Atlanta, GA; Los Angeles, CA; Chicago, IL, Ottawa, Canada; and Detroit, MI.

Dr. Aaron Ohemeng of Chicago welcomed all delegates and recognized the special guests of honor, Honorable J. H. Mensah, MP-Sunyani East and Chairman, Economic Management Team of Ghana Government; His Excellency Charles Amoama, Ghana's Deputy High Commissioner to Canada; and Mr.Daniel Botwe, NPP General Secretary and Hon I.C. Quaye, the Accra Regional Minister.

Hon .J. H. Mensah who delivered the keynote address, spoke eloquently about how the great NPP evolved as a political party, through the democratic values of Paa Grant, and J.B Danquah from the days of the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC) in the 1940's. Mr. Mensah also articulated his personal role in the Party and Government, throughout the years to, make democracy a reality. He urged the delegates to help the party win the 2004 election and not be worried by NDC tactics anchored by the so-called "boom" speeches. The MP from Sunyani indicated that the NPP government has not deviated from its objective to make Ghana a wheel of economic prosperity in Africa, and will continue to place the economic development of the country at the front of its agenda.

The out going Chairman of the NPP-North America, Mr.Philip Tawia spoke about the state of the party in North America, particularly, in areas that NPP foreign branches can do to assist the NPP government, and ensure that the NPP stay in power and turn the economy of Ghana around. Mr. Tawia said he believed in the adage of power being silent, and stressed the implementation of ideas, perhaps, silently as done in the corporate environment.

Mr. Michael Baffoe a representative from Montreal, Canada, briefed delegates on a meeting held in Montreal; especially on matters relating to two committees, the Political Action Committee and the Business Development Committee which were formed during the NPP-North Amercia Congress held previously in New Jersey. The Treasurer, Esther Ankoma gave a report on the financial situation of the North America branch.

In his address, the NPP General Secretary, Mr. Botwe gave a detailed report on the party's performance in capturing Parliamentary seats in past bye-elections. While noting that the party is well focused and able to present a united front, he cautioned against complacency; and strongly urged delegates not to underestimate the NDC and other political parties in the upcoming elections. He expressed his gratitude to the North America branch for their support, and implored that more efforts are needed to implement new strategies for the 2004 elections.

Mr. Botwe also urged delegates to continue to expand the membership of the NPP in North America. He further explained the strategy of building the party's support among the grass roots at the constituency level throughout the country, where the votes really come from. Therefore, he said members should concentrate on building the party, rather than getting side-tracked by the plethora of negative publicity produced by some of the Accra-based media, especially when it comes to flooding the internet with negative and unproductive news. He also announced that the Party has decided to set up a special desk at the national headquarters to coordinate with all its overseas branches.

Other speakers included Charles Amoo Asante of Atlanta, Ben Newman of Texas, Kofi Boateng, Nana Amo Adjepong of New York and Dr. Barwuah Edusei of Washington DC, Dr. Huudu Yaya of Ghana National Council of Chicago and Mr. Agyei Amamo of Ottawa.

Dr. Agyenim Boateng, a delegate from Kentucky, gave a short but impressive speech on how to stop the perception among members that the party members in North America have been marginalized by the Party hierarchy as well as the top government officials in Ghana. Dr. Boateng cited three reasons that underlie such perception: Absence of laid out policies (legal and institutional framework) by both the government and the Party to tap the resources and talents of diasporans for sustainable programs; Lack of communication or popular misconception between members on one hand, and the Party hierarchy and top government officials at home; and the entrenched bickering and infighting among party members for the attention of senior officials. To counter these perceptions, the speaker suggested the mechanism of a creative use of the power of negotiations

The speaker explained, "Our leverage is the creative use of our strength or power. We come from 13 cities in North America and by marshaling all our resources both in cash and in kind, as evidenced by our performances during the 2000 elections, we can positively impact on policy development and bring about change of attitude from the other side". Recognizing this inherent power, Dr. Boateng argued that the NPP-North America can negotiate effectively with the party office as well as future aspirants for higher offices especially, the presidency; for effective voice and influence on the policies of the future administration. He called on the delegates to project their power by contributing effectively to the party; and to the party's agenda.

The new Executive Committee elected to run the North American Branch (U.S and Canada) of the NPP and sworn in by the General Secretary Dan Botwe during the dinner dance, are the following:

1. Alhaji Mohammed Ali Idris (Washington, DC Metro) - Chairman

2. Dr. Samuel Amoako (New York, NY) - 1st Vice Chairman

3. Richard Nyarno-Coffie (Chicago, IL) - 2nd Vice Chairman

4. Kwaku D. Mensah (Newark, NJ) - General Secretary

5. Abedi Boakye (Chicago, IL) - Assistant General Secretary

6. Kwame Kodua (Public Relations Officer) - Newark, NJ

7. Joe Manu (Los Angeles, CA) - Treasurer

8. Eric Opoku (Washington, DC Metro) - Organizer

9. Kwabena Nketiah -Sakyi (San Francisco, CA) -Youth Organizer

In his acceptance speech, Alhaji Mohammed Idris, thanked the delegates for the great honor done to him. He said the presence of two icons of the Party at the congress, Hon. JH. Mensah and the General Secretary of the Party Dan Botwe was a testimony of the great importance the NPP places on the North American branch. He asked the delegates seize the opportunity to take important decision on how to help build a stronger Party to ensure a decisive victory in the 2004 Presidential and Parliamentary elections.

The Chairman observed that under the NPP administration, Ghana is fast becoming a shining example of hope and promise for Africa . He said that domestically, Ghanaians are more free to express their opinions than before. And internationally, Ghana continues to play the role of peacemaker in a region torn by strife. Alhaji Idris promised delegates that during his tenure, he " will bring to the fore our collective responsibility to sustain that hope and make a difference in the lives of or great people; honesty, openness and accountability will be the center piece of my administration".

Alhaji Idris assured delegates that Ghana would not be the important country it has become today, had it not been for the bold, competent and capable leadership of President John Agyekum Kufour. He exhorted the delegates to do well to heed the President's call to diaspora Ghanaians, to use our resources and skills to establish mutually beneficial projects and businesses in Ghana to help improve the living conditions of our people.

In concluding, Alhaji Idris impressed upon the delegates to eschew divisions, and to support the President in the goal of "achieving his objectives, his record of office, his vision for the future and his passion and commitment to lead the nation to a prosperous and stable Ghana". To achieve this, he added, "we need urgent and extraordinary measures to achieve a resounding victory in 2004".

Among the numerous resolutions adopted by the Congress were the following:

(1) WE AFFIRM the importance of Party as a supreme entity, secondary only to the national interest, and enjoin the President to place such consideration on the strength of the Party.

(2) We REQUEST that the President appoint an Ambassador to the U.S. immediately since it sends a wrong message to the international community and to world politics and international diplomacy about the diplomatic vacuum in Washington D.C. We further request the President to appoint an Ambassador with clout in our community, a persons who has experience on U.S politics and understands the aspirations of the Ghanaian Community in U.S.

(3) WE IMPLORE the President to request Parliament to revisit and reconsider the current Citizenship law and amend to remove all barriers which in effect created second class citizenship for the intended beneficiaries. To this end The President is encouraged and urged to seek the views of the diasporans Ghanaian before Parliament make any final changes in the Law.