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Diasporia News of Tuesday, 24 April 2012


Source: NPP USA

NPP USA Warns President Mills

Against Creeping Dictatroship In Ghana

President Mills’ selective justice and creeping dictatorship in the pursuit of parochial political power, if not arrested, would launch Ghana into interminable regrettable devastation. Mills and NDC’s diabolical agenda to use violence and intimidation to cow NPP into submission to win power at all costs has been exposed by his indifference to Nii Lantey Vanderpuye incendiary political statement, tribal discrimination and attacks on Akans in the Odododiodio constituency as well as NDC’s countrywide attacks on NPP supporters and the rush to arrest Kennedy Adjapong for opposing Mills dictatorship. Ghana under Mills has two worlds with two sets of laws, one favoring NDC with police support and the other disfavoring NPP. Kennedy Adjapong’s remarks are responsive to Mills’ perversion of justice and conniving of widespread and systematic injustices against NPP supporters across the country in accordance with his strategically designed violent agenda. Nii Lantey Vanderpuye, an aide to Mills, swore to prevent Akans from registration in Odododiodio constituency even if it meant spilling blood. The President shamelessly declared “ I am not a Policeman” and NDC Ministers lauded Nii Lantey’s men attack on a woman, Ursula Owusu . Why did President Mills and the police refuse to question Nii Lantey Vanderpuye‘s attacks on NPP supporters but rushed to arrest Ken for pointing out injustices by the Mills administration? The rush to arrest him on “orders from above” is to punish him for revealing the the single biggest corruption scandal in the history of Ghana: the woyomegate and instill fear in NPP members but they will fail. Ken has not committed any treasonable offense and the charge of treason and genocide is a mockery of Ghana’s justice, rule of law and democracy.

NPP-USA warns Mills/NDC that NPP members are not scared of those fear tactics, and would not be intimidated or cowed into submission by NDC’s inferior tactics. We assure the NDC that as much as we believe in peaceful dialogue, we will appropriately respond in self-defense to any attack on our members. They must remember that history is on the side of the will of the people. As evident in recent historic events in the Ivory Coast, Libya, and Egypt, no amount of incumbent brutality can intimidate and defeat a determined and purposeful people in the quest of their democratic rights. The brutish dictators, as Mills is emerging to be, met their disgraceful and ultimate demise. NDC should not be lulled into a false sense of complacency that mere incumbency and police partiality would hand them victory. Gadaffi, Mubarak and Gbagbo fell despite their initial incumbency advantage and unleashing on their people the violent and intimidating security apparatus as Mills is currently persecuting NPP supporters. Mills/NDC should not forget that, if by their greed they lead this country into a devastative conflict, they would be held accountable for crimes against humanity as in the case of Ivory Coast’s Laurent Gbagbo.

Ken’s remark is a clarion call to the Mills administration to shelve their diabolical violent agenda and let the rule of law reign in Ghana come 2012 elections. They are reminded that violence begets violence and NPP will NOT sit idle when attacked and maimed by NDC supporters in accordance with their stratagem to win the 2012 elections by any means necessary using violence. The days of NDC’s unrestrained brutality are gone and we are ready to defend our legitimate rights at all cost and Mills’ intimidatory tactics will fail in the face of a formidable opposition. Mills has the opportunity to address the undercurrent pervasive injustices and discrimination against NPP members to save Ghana from mayhem. The police are cautioned against their partiality in the ongoing impasse and must know that those working in tandem with the brutish Mills agenda would equally be held accountable. Their first call of duty is to protect the people of Ghana and not political parties. The police service is expected to be guided by a high sense of professionalism and execute their duties impartially without fear or favor holding all Ghanaians to the same standard of justice. Shamefully and unfortunately, the current police hierarchy has been politicized, biased and unprofessional arresting NPP members whiles overlooking the despicable countrywide brutality against NPP members.

NPP-USA calls all on our members not to be intimidated by NDC violence but must rather be resolute, vigilant and continue to pursue the sustenance of equality, justice and peace in Ghana and defend themselves when appropriate. NPP assures all members and Ghanaians of our insurmountable struggle against social injustice and discrimination and pursuit of the rule of law, justice , equality and democracy in Ghana . We call on all peace loving Ghanaians to join forces with the NPP in strong opposition to Mills’ creeping despotism in Ghana that would ultimately destroy Ghana’s peace and development of the next generation if not checked. Long Live Ghana!!!!!! NPP-USA-Public Relations Committee