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General News of Saturday, 15 May 2010


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NUGS Urges Vandals To Resist Commonwealth Hall Conversion

Statement Released On May 15, 2010 On The Occasion Of The National Students Days The Commonwealth Hall, University Of Ghana Delivered By Wonder Madilo, President Of The National Union Of Ghana Students (Nugs)


We have as Union whose core responsibility is to protect and safeguard the interest of Ghanaian students backed the decision of the Vandals to kick against the decision of the University to convert the hall into a Mixed-Gender Graduate Students Hall.

We however, patiently await Government’s decision on the matter and the long overdue anticipated investigation to bring to book persons who engaged in the acts that was purported to have occurred on that faithful graduation day.


The infrastructural base of most of our Universities have become near obsolete. The case of the collapse of buildings in UG, Legon, KNUST and others are just a mere demonstration of the weak and over aged structures we have on our campuses. While it will be prudent to use the Internally Generated Funds and GETFund supports judiciously, all we see most often is the building of facilities of little significance to our course of study. E.g. Swimming pools and Stadia.

We therefore call for an independent audit into the disbursement of IGFs of all public tertiary institutions.

We also call on GETFund to stop funding such objectionable projects and rather concentrate on the very relevant ones.


The recent alleged acts of violence and indiscipline amongst us must cease! We need each other, Ghana needs us, Africa needs us, the world a whole needs us. It is only with a united front that we can fight our battles!


NDC manifesto 2008 under the theme two (FISCAL POLICY), states that, “the new NDC government will not introduce any new taxes. Instead, we shall seek to improve tax revenue by introducing reforms in the tax administration, shifting from reliance on direct taxes to indirect taxes and enhancing tax incentives” Why the sudden shift we are not told!

Who is addressing the case of leakage and non-compliance of the tax payer? What about those evading tax? What are the punitive measures? What is the impact of taxes introduced earlier in this country?

The several taxes E.g. Road tolls, "Akpeteshie", (local alcoholic drink), public sector taxes, import duties etc. slapped on Ghanaians have only added to the myriad of the already existing hardship.

One will want to question the motivation behind the tax hikes? Couldn’t there be any other way of mobilizing revenue for the State?

The case of the Volta River Authority asking for tariff increases of over 150 per cent we consider to be insensitivity to the plight of the ordinary Ghanaian.

If granted, consumers would pay more than twice what they currently pay for a unit of electricity.

The current rate which dates back to 2007 is GHp6 per unit but this would shoot up to GHp15 if the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) approves VRA’s request.

We believe that the inefficiency of an institution like VRA cannot be slapped on the consumer. The services are nothing but poor. All around EAST LEGON and other areas have for many years now being experiencing very low voltage and there seems to be no solution to the matter!

The economic burden on us as students is getting alarming! We therefore will resist any attempt by PURC to impute the inefficiencies of these institutions on us.

We call on government to intervene in the matter.


We wish to state that, we are not impressed with the way and manner the conflict in BAWKU, GUSHIEGU and other conflict prone areas have been handled.

"We therefore recommend a holistic approach that would not only involve chiefs and politicians in resolving the conflict, but the conscious engagement of the youth of the area, especially students in tertiary institutions,"

While we appreciate the efforts of some institution like POLICE ADMINISTRATION, THE MILITARY COMMAND AND WANEP in mediating in the matter,

I want to use this opportunity announce to government and the Public that, the NATIONAL UNION OF GHANA STUDENTS will embark on an independent research into the conflicts in the northern parts of the country especially BAWKU, GUSHIEGU ETC. and will therefore seek your support in order to undertake this project.

Lastly, we call on school authorities [Senior High and Tertiary] to appreciate the diversity of knowledge of students and involve them in decision making processes rather than the usual flagrant stampede of the interest of students.