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Health News of Monday, 18 December 2023


Source: Institute of Security, Safety and Policy Research

Navigating challenges during Ghana's harmattan season: Safeguarding security and well-being

Derick Nestor Hokey Derick Nestor Hokey

The harmattan season in Ghana, spanning from November to March, introduces arid and dusty conditions propelled by the northeast trade winds. While contributing to a distinctive atmosphere and captivating sunsets, this season also presents challenges concerning security and safety.

Throughout the harmattan season, visibility significantly declines due to the prevalent haze and airborne dust particles. This phenomenon poses potential hazards to road safety, emphasizing the need for cautious driving practices and the appropriate use of headlights and fog lights.

The prevailing dry and dusty conditions amplify the likelihood of fire outbreaks. Practicing vigilance around open flames, ensuring the proper extinguishing of cigarettes, and refraining from burning waste become imperative measures to avert inadvertent fires during this period.

Exercise caution with fireworks: If you intend to incorporate fireworks into your Christmas festivities, deploy them within a secure and controlled setting.

Have a bucket of water or a fire extinguisher on standby in case of mishaps, and be sure that the fireworks are directed away from buildings, trees, and individuals.

Steers clear of open fires: During the harmattan season, it is advisable to refrain from open fires or bonfires due to the dry and windy conditions that can facilitate rapid spread. If a bonfire is unavoidable, always ensure it is properly enclosed and under constant supervision.

Dispose of cigarette butts responsibly: If you or your guests smoke, it is imperative to extinguish and dispose of cigarette butts properly. Avoid discarding them in dry vegetation or areas prone to catching fire quickly.

Keep flammable materials at a distance: Avoid storing flammable substances like gasoline, kerosene, or propane tanks. Ensure their secure placement away from potential sources of ignition.

Furthermore, the harmattan season can detrimentally impact respiratory health. The arid air and fine dust particles may induce respiratory irritation and exacerbate conditions like asthma. To mitigate these effects, it is advisable to maintain hydration, apply moisturizers (such as our shea butter), and limit outdoor activities when air quality is compromised.

Safety during the harmattan season involves adopting protective measures such as wearing hats, scarves, masks, and sunglasses to shield against dust. Staying abreast of weather forecasts and adhering to safety guidelines issued by local authorities are equally crucial components of safeguarding well-being in this challenging season.

Stay informed: Stay abreast of weather conditions and any fire safety advisories or warnings issued by local authorities. This knowledge can empower you to take necessary precautions and remain prepared.

Adhering to these safety measures can significantly diminish the risk of fires and contribute to a secure and delightful Christmas celebration during the harmattan season.