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Politics of Tuesday, 27 February 2007


Source: NewCPP

NewCPP is CPPing - NewCPP

Ladies and gentlemen, of the press, thank you very much for attending this press conference today;

We would like to begin by thanking each one of you for attending and also to thank everyone who sent us an email, in the last week.

The reason for this press conference today, ladies and gentlemen is to clarify two things.

• Is to state categorically that we are NOT a political arm of NDC or NPP

• We are also not a new political party but an integral part of the old CPP.

The New CPP is not and cannot be the political arm of the NDC. It cannot be part of a regime that was in power when 3 High Court judges, and an army officer mysteriously disappeared from their homes, and were later found to have been murdered at the military range in Bundasi. During that regime, so many of our citizens, our mothers, were beaten in public (EYE HANN). Our national assets built by the CPP government were sold to their cronies and families. The New CPP is not part of the NDC, a political party, which for 20, years mismanaged our economy. A political party which told Ghanaians to tighten their belts whilst they feasted and grew pot bellies. This is the political party that threw our educational system in disarray whilst they educated their children abroad. We are not part of the NDC Regime.

We are not and cannot be part of the Danquah Busia NPP government politics of division, abuse of trust, politics of more talk (talking shop) less action, economic mismanagement, waa waa politics, politics of 20%, broken promises, spin and appoint public servants, based on family lineage other than on merit. It is time to take PNDC/NDC/NPP apart for what they have done to our country. They have been reckless and have not lived up to expectation in the running of our country. Come 2008, the electorate will have the democratic and INALIENABLE right to vote them out of office. Given what has transpired over the last 28 years or so, the electorate will exercise that right. At that time, Ghanaians will have a revitalized CPP that will be in tune with their aspirations.

New CPP believes that Ghana can and must be better' 'The vision is one of national renewal, a country with drive, purpose and energy. In each area of policy, a new and distinctive approach is being mapped out; one that differs from the old CPP left and the Danquah Busia right. The CPP is new again. 'New in the sense that it has now been infused with a breed of new generation politicians who cut across old political boundaries. To members in the New CPP what counts is what works. The objectives are radical. The means will be modern. 'This is New CPP’s contract with the people' The New CPP will not be far right nor far left. It will be in the middle of the Political Spectrum: i.e. A socially democratic party.

The New CPP would want to make it abundantly clear that it is not a new political party as such, but rather a pressure group within the CPP. The reason for having this pressure group is to usher into Ghanaian politics a new form of politics. Politics based on sound policies, issues and substance. We are confident our country will prosper and we are very optimistic. The will to change and build a better Ghana is in our own hands, and we will do it. To accomplish this means more than just a change of government. Our aim is to modernize the current CPP so as to be able to usher into Ghanaian politics a new style of government, which will be the basis of a new administration for the well being of Ghanaians in the future. Ghanaians have always been cynical about politics in Ghana and have also been distrustful of politicians and their vain promises. That is not surprising. The New CPP will make it their golden rule not to promise what we cannot deliver; but to deliver what we promise.

The purpose of new CPP is to give Ghana a new political direction. One, that will be quite different from the Danquah Busia, now NPP government, to the revolutionary PNDC/NDC administration. A new and revitalized CPP Party will be resolute in transforming itself into a party of the future. We will push to have our party amend the constitution where it is necessary in the interest of the people. We will make a full commitment for the rule of law and order to prevail, as the basis of any civilized society depends on the rule of law, order and justice. We will change the way policies are instituted so as to involve everyone because every Ghanaian has a stake in Ghana. This is change. Change rooted in our values not chained to our traditions and values.

The PNDC/NDC/NPP tell Ghanaians to judge them on their wishes and on their aspirations. A changed and revitalized CPP will tell Ghanaians, to judge them on one basis only and that is on their record, abuse of human rights, abuse of trust economic mismanagement et al If after 30 years of Government, they’ve not been able to change Ghana for the better they never will. They have had their chance. They have had almost 30 years to get it right. They could not. The power to effect a change from the past 30 years or so, are these 3 things: namely, your hands, the pen and the ballot paper. Vote them out for a better future for now and for future generations in our beloved country Ghana.

The New and revitalised CPP government will be radical. But the definition of radicalism will not be that of doctrine, whether of the left or of the right, but of achievement. NewCPP is a movement (party) of ideas and ideals but not of outdated ideology. What counts is what works, and what works is what counts. The objectives are radical. The means will be modern.

The vision is clear. And from that vision stems a modern programme of change and renewal for Ghana. We understand that after almost 30 years of PNDC/NDC/NPP rule, people want a change, believe that it is necessary for the country and for democracy, but require faith to make the change.

Our mission in politics is to rebuild bond of trust between government and the people. That is the only way democracy can flourish. NewCPP pledges to Ghana a government which shares their hopes, which understands their fears, and which will work as partners with and for all our people, not just the privileged few. Join the NewCPP today, email us on [email protected], let us bring the change the motherland and Ghana deserves. Thank you very much fellow country men and women. GOD BLESS GHANA - YEN ARA YEN ASAASE NIE.