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Health News of Thursday, 27 August 2020



No coronavirus in Bole district but cases of HIV has increased - Health Directorate

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The Director of the Ghana Health Service for the Bole District of the Savannah Region Mr David Bakuri has revealed that the district recorded no positive case of COVID-19 but cases of HIV/AIDS has increased from 50 in 2019 to 78 in the 2020 mid-year review and that there are a total of 608 positive cases of HIV/AIDs who are under the management of the Bole District Hospital.

Mr Bakuri cautioned all residents of the district to be vigilant because the rate at which HIV is spreading is worrying.

Mr David Bakuri made these comments when the Bole District Health Directorate held its mid-year performance review meeting to discuss its achievements, constraints and challenges in health delivery in the District on Wednesday 26th August, 2020.

On COVID-19, Mr Bakuri said a total of 112 samples were collected and sent to the laboratory and 69 results received and all tested negative including the District Chief Executive (DCE) who led by example to test herself but added they were waiting on the feedback on the remaining 43 samples.

The Bole District Health Director in his presentation said the District recorded no maternal death for the half-year and attributed this to the hard work of the medical team and the frequent sensitisation of pregnant women on the importance of antenatal clinic.

Diseases such as malaria, anaemia, pneumonia, typhoid, hypertension and diarrhoea are more prevalent in the District according to Mr Bakuri and so cautioned the people to visit the hospital regularly and take good care of themselves and their environment in order to prevent such diseases.

Mr Bakuri highlighted some achievements chalked since the beginning of 2020 and mentioned the registration of 2,546 pregnant mothers for antenatal services representing 77.6% of expected pregnancies and that teenage pregnancies account for 392 (15.4%). He said they also had 1,756 deliveries representing 107.1% of expected deliveries which makes them very happy and proud to announce that no mother lives were lost as part of performing their motherly duties for this half-year.

On the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) Mr Bakuri said 86.0% of the total outpatients that attended the hospitals were insured.

In the area of Meningitis, he explained that the story is not pleasant because they recorded 31 suspected cases with 10 testings positive to various strains and organism and 5 deaths.

On malaria, the Health director said under 5 years uncomplicated suspected malaria has reduced compared by 22.8% compared with 2019 same period. Malaria cases have reduced drastically from 6080 in 2019 to 4735 in 2020.

He further highlighted some challenges hindering their performance as the District Health Management Team (DHMT) building too small which makes them congested and that the hospital emergency unit is without requisite equipment.

He appealed to the sons and daughters of Bole both resident and outside to make conscious efforts to support the health directorate to bring most of the facilities up to standard to provide quality healthcare for the people.

He also thanked Mr Ibrahim Mahama of Engineers and Planners for assisting to build CHPS compound at Chache. Mr Bakuri also commended the Bole District Assembly for assisting the Ghana Health Service with 2 CHPS compounds in 2020 and also acknowledge the New Patriotic Party (NPP) parliamentary candidate Mr Sei Demah for helping to build the Kakiase CHPS compound.

The Health Director also acknowledged the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Bole Bamboi Constituency Alhaji Yussif Sulemana for his contribution towards healthcare and that he procured Hospital beds, an incubator and cement to build the entrance of the hospital.

The District Chief Executive (DCE) for Bole Madam Veronica Alele Heming in her brief remarks mentioned that she was very happy for the successes chalked in the health service.

She entreated the people of Bole to protect themselves from HIV/AIDs because the numbers are actually increasing.

On COVID-19 she said she led as a DCE to take the test and the results were negative. And as things stand now, there is a recorded case for COVID-19.