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Diasporia News of Friday, 1 May 2009


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Okuapemman Association of USA and Canada (OKUSCA)

Delegates Meeting at Dallas, Texas

The Okuapemman Association of USA and Canada; the umbrella organization which unites all the established Okuapemman chapters in North America namely; New York, New Jersey, Washington DC, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, Toronto, Ohio and Houston; will be having is annual Mid-year meeting of Delegates on Saturday, May 23rd, 2009 at Dallas, Texas. Delegates from all the afore mentioned chapters will be arriving in Dallas on Friday 22nd of May 2009; for this auspicious meeting. The meeting starts at 10am prompt and will last all day due to the numerous issues we need to tackle.

Delegates attending the meeting in Dallas will be deliberating on issues such as the proposed $200,000.00 technological building complex in Akuapem which will serve as a club house for the Organization. This building will be equipped with modern technology which will be used for computer training and teaching allied health services. Other items on the agenda for discussion will include the ratification of the new Constitution and By-Laws, recommendations by the Board of Trustees, proposals submitted by the Fund-raising Committee, equipment such as Computers, Monitors, Identity Cards making Machines, Advanced Reference Books to be purchased for the Presbyterian University at Akuapem and other pertinent issues.

Also at the Delegates meeting, the National Secretariat will be introducing Pledge Cards which are meant for the solicitation of funds from all citizens, friends and well-wishers of Akuapem and Anum/Boso worldwide. After all the hard work is done I am sure the Dallas chapter will show off their renowned cooking skills and provide sumptuous entertainment for the delegates. At the end of the meeting all proposals and policies will be submitted to the National Council meeting scheduled for September 5th, 2009 at Toronto in Canada for implementation.

Founded in 1985 Okuapemman Association of USA and Canada (OKUSCA); the association’s main objectives have been the promotion of unity among Akuapemfo, community service, education and embarking on new projects as well as supporting ongoing developments in the traditional areas of Akuapem and Anum/Boso. OKUSCA has undeniably lived up to its keen expectations by its fervent financial donations for the enhancement of health and education in traditional areas in Ghana. Even though we’ve won many local and international accolades, we are determined not to bask in our past laurels bur rather accomplish more for the people of Ghana during the coming years.

The seat of the National secretariat of this organization is at New York and there are two main events involving members of OKUSCA during the year, namely: The Mid-year delegates’ meeting scheduled for the Memorial Day Weekend in May and the National Conference for the celebration of Odwira/Ohum festivals held annually during the Labor Day Weekend in September. The theme for this year's events is “25 years of Growth and Development.”

For more information on events of Okuapemman Association of USA and Canada scheduled for 2009, I invite you to visit our Website:

Mr. David N. Osafo Okuapemman National Secretariat