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General News of Sunday, 14 January 2018



Only thieves will oppose Amidu’s appointment - Bukarson

Listowell Yesu Bukarson, Executive Director of The Press Foundation Listowell Yesu Bukarson, Executive Director of The Press Foundation

The Press Foundation, TPF, has praised President Nana Akufo-Addo for the appointment of Martin Amidu as the first Special Prosecutor of Ghana.

According to the TPF, Mr. Amidu has over the years positioned himself through his avowed commitment to fighting corruption to deserve this appointment. It’s therefore, crucial that the nation, rather than express skepticism about this key appointment, throws its weight behind Mr. Amidu to deliver.

The Executive Director of the TPF, Listowell Yesu Bukarson believes that, “Mr. Amidu can only deliver if especially the media, the fourth estate of the realm give him the needed support he requires to deliver”. “There is no nation that can run away from corrupt politicians and civil servants. There are corrupt officers in the system and there is the need to go after them. How we do that as a nation, is to support Mr. Amidu and his office to deal with such nation wreckers. To succeed, Mr. Amidu needs the express support of the media”. Mr. Bukarson noted.

“Only thieves and corrupt people will needlessly oppose this appointment” He stated. “Why do you have any fears over this great appointment, if you have nothing to hide” Mr. Bukarson queried.

“I entreat the media not to relent in its watchdog rule by availing to the office of the Special Prosecutor, information that will support the prosecution of corrupt officials”. He appealed. “Journalists have unique professional ways of tapping and sharing information. So yes, let’s use same judiciously to support the special prosecutor to garner enough information to work” He added.

Mr. Bukarson called on parliament to fast-track the vetting processes to confirm Mr. Amidu to hit the ground running. “Parliament must see this appointment as a means of helping save the nation from wicked and corrupt officials by eschewing the sense of partisanship and approve this appointment without delay so as to enable Mr. Amidu and his office to set off the work without delay” He called.