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General News of Tuesday, 10 December 2019



Our decisions not influenced by who appointed us – SC nominee

Justice Mariama Owusu Justice Mariama Owusu

A Supreme Court nominee, Justice Mariama Owusu, has rejected widely held perception that decisions and judgements of judges are influenced by the political regimes under which they were appointed.

The Court of Appeal judge, who is being vetted for a Supreme Court job, told a parliamentary committee Monday that decisions of judges are based purely on the laws of the land.

She explained that judges have taken “oath to administer justice to all manner of people” irrespective of their religious background, political leanings or whoever appointed them.

“It doesn’t matter who appointed you,” she maintained, indicating that the sole aim of judges are to ensure justice is administered to all persons.

Member of Parliament for Tamale North, Alhassan Sayibu Suhuyini wanted to know whether per the architecture of the appointment of a Supreme Court judge, they will not politically be influenced.

But the 65-year-old judge with 38 years’ experience at the Bar and Bench disagreed with the MP, stating “Somebody has to do the appointment”.

For Justice Owusu, “I just don’t think the Judicial Council just go rubber-stamping [the President’s nomination].

She held that the current system where the president based on the advice of Judicial Council and in consultation with the Council of State, nominate a judge to the Supreme Court has stood the test of time.

Justice Owusu noted the issue was considered by the Constitutional Review Committee which concluded that the system had “worked fine” hence it recommended its continuation.

MP for Cape Coast North, Barbara Ayisi Asher, in a follow-up, asked the nominee if as judges their decisions are influenced by political colour.

“Not really,” Justice Owusu stated, adding “It shouldn’t because we took an oath to administer justice to all manner of people and that’s exactly what we do; that’s our job.”