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Diasporia News of Wednesday, 6 December 2006


Source: Kofi Danso

Outgoing Embassy Staff in Brussels honoured

The Ghanaian Community in Belgium have honoured three out going Officers of the Ghana Embassy in Brussels. A very big and well-attended send -off party was organised for Mr C.N Kotey (Minister/Deputy Head of Mission), Mr Joseph Annim (Minister Counsellor), and Mrs Peace Anyidoho (Secretary to the Ambassador) on Saturday 18 November 2006 at Brussels.

These officers were honoured with the party, presents and praises for their outstanding relationship with the Ghanaian Community Members in Belgium. The officers in the execution of their work, showed understanding, courtesy, efficiency and friendliness.

It was the first time in the history of Ghanaians in Belgium for organising such en event for out going officers.It underlines the great appreciation and thankfulness that they want to expresse to these officers and the significance to other Ghanaian Embassy staff around the world to entreat Ghanaian citizens with respect and high degree of efficiency.

As one of the concerned community members put it 'we sometimes feel that Ghanaian Missions are not for the welfare of Ghanaians. In the past when we visited the mission in Brussels some officers treated you as if you have sold cocain. You are like a criminal.'

We are greatful that the new Government have instructed the Mission Officers to accord respect to Ghanaians in Diaspora. However, many officers exhibit the old attitude like why should you come to bother me.

Mr Kotey, Mr Annim and Mrs Anyidoho, showed a different mentality. Formal, they engaged in all activities organised by the National Federation of Ghanaians resident in Belgium (GHANABA) and her affiliated organisations. When Ministers, Parliamentarians and other Officers from Ghana come to Brussels, they usally facilitate interaction. Informally, they attended our weddings, outdoorings, and also funerals. They will be always remembered. We advise other officers to emulate these deeds. The party was organised by Ghanaba and her affiliates and live music were provided by three diefferent ghanaian church choirs. Food and drinks were in abundance. We hope the officers will cherish all the presents they received from the community members. We wish them all the best in their next postings. Source: GHANABA For pictures visit For more info mail to [email protected]