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Business News of Saturday, 13 August 2005


Source: World Development Indicators database, World Bank, 15 July 2005

Per Capita Controversy: World Bank Statistics

Quote of President Kufuor

?We are already currently at around 600 United States dollars per capita income and this is confirmed by the World Bank. Unfortunately our statistical department till recently has not been able to confirm that we are beyond $ 470 that has been sort of taunted around for so long. But we are sure and aware that we are beyond the 600 bracket and this is confirmed by the IMF. The ministry of finance on its recent calculation is also confirming this?

Ghana: World Development Indicators database, World Bank, 15 July 2005

GNP per Capita (US$) = Gross National Income(Atlas method, US$)
Year 1967 1997 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
GNP per capita
800 370 390 350 290 270 320 380 -

GDP per capita

Gross domestic product divided by mid year population.
GDP: The sum of value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation output. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated capital assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources.
Year 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2002
GDP per capita
720 960 1 030 1 330 1 620 1 970 2 130

GNI (previously known as GNP) - Gross National Income per capita (PPP$)

PPP GNI is gross national income (GNI) converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity rates.
Year 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2002
GNI- Gross National Income per capita (PPP$)
(Current PPP$)
7109601 0101 3001 5901 9102 080

Gross national income (GNI) Formerly gross national product or GNP. (GNI) is made up of GDP plus the net income earned from investments abroad (minus similar payments made to non-residents who contribute to the domestic economy).

GNI at purchasing power parity (PPP) is the GNI converted into a rate of exchange that allows a standard comparison of price levels between countries. One PPP dollar has the same purchasing power in the domestic economy that the U.S. dollar has over U.S. economy.