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Crime & Punishment of Wednesday, 12 October 2005


Source: Chronicle

Police hunt for NPP capo over defilement

The police are sniffing around to locate the hideout of an octogenarian founding member of the United Party (UP), Mr. Joshua Attoh Quarshie, who has gone into hiding after allegedly defiling a 15-year-old girl, J.S.S 2 student of Accra (name withheld).

The Chronicle gathered that the last time the police got closer on his heels was during the Odododiodoo by-elections, but unfortunately he was in the midst of the big shots in the NPP so he could not be arrested.

Two months since an Accra Circuit court issued a bench warrant for the arrest of Attoh Quarshie, the police have not succeeded in arresting him.

Even though twice when the case was called, Counsel for Attoh Quarshie, Mr. Kojo Smith had told the Circuit Court, in Accra, presided over by his Lordship, K.O. Bechem that Attoh Quarshie was bedridden, he was spotted campaigning for the NPP during the Odododiodoo by-elections.

Attoh Quarshie is also facing trial at a district magistrate?s court over maintenance of a baby boy delivered by Akos following the defilement, at a District Magistrate court.

The Prosecutor, Chief Supt. Patrick. A. Sarpong had told the court on August 17 this year that Mr. Quarshie had deliberately refused to appear before the court and gone into hiding, while always sending his lawyer, Mr. Kojo Smith.

Earlier, he had narrated to the court that Joyce was fostered by Georgina Dzotefe and had been living with her since about 1996.

In 1999, Georgina traveled outside the country and left Joyce in the care of a female friend of hers, by which time Mr. Quarshie had also traveled to London.

The Prosecutor continued that when Mr. Quarshie returned from London in 2003, he objected to Joyce staying with Georgina?s friend and therefore insisted that Joyce returned to stay in one of his houses, which Joyce obliged.

He said Mr. Quarshie started having sex with Joyce until she became pregnant and she informed him. He continued that Mr. Quarshie asked her to do a pregnancy test which she did yielding a positive result.

He stressed that Mr. Quarshie together with one of her daughters took the applicant to a lady at Koforidua, who took care of Joyce up to the time she would deliver and also to conceal the fact that it was Mr. Quarshie who impregnated her.

He intimated that there was even an occasion that one of Mr. Quarshie?s daughters gave Joyce some concoction in an attempt to abort the pregnancy.

Supt Sarpong said when Joyce gave birth, Mr. Quarshie asked his driver, a relative, and one of his daughters to go to Koforidua to perform the naming ceremony of the baby.

He said that though Mr. Quarshie authorized people to go and name the child he has consistently denied being responsible for the pregnancy and has therefore not been maintaining the child and Joyce.

The accused denied the charge.

He stressed that the guardian in London did not know the age of Akos, adding that he strictly denied that Akos was 16 years of age, ?the applicant to my belief and knowledge is a twenty-year old woman.?

He said the so-called guardian appeared to have abducted Akos, as the natural parents had never been able to see their child since she was brought to Ghana.

Mr. Quarshie averred that the guardian had been attempting to exploit him by making unreasonable demands, for instance, demanding ?500million and an immovable property in order to settle the matter out of court.

According to Mr. Quarshie, Ms Dzotefe had embarked upon vendetta of blackmail because he had refused to accede to her request to marry her in London in order to get her residence in the United Kingdom, after spending money to pay her passage abroad.

At the magistrate court, the judge ordered that both parties and the child submitted themselves for a paternity test (DNA) at Med Lab at a cost of $700, which was to be borne by Mr. Quarshie.

Mr. Quarshie has however indicated to the court that he was a sick old man, unemployed and not in a position to afford that amount for the paternity test, and requested the court to review the responsibility on him to bear the cost.