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General News of Wednesday, 1 June 2022



Police stop Captain Smart, Barker-Vormawor, others from proceeding with 3-day demo

Captain Smart, Barker-Vormawor and Mensah Thompson are part of the group

June 4 demo to start at Circle

Police ask organisers of demo to reconsider proposals

'We will carry our weapons to June 4 demo' - Captain Smart, Okatakyie, Oliver write to Police

The members of a group who had expressed their intentions to stage a three-day demonstration on the streets of Accra have been stopped by the Ghana

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What does the Public Order Act 19941 (1) say?

AN ACT to provide for the maintenance of public order and for related matters and purposes.
Holding of Special Events

1. Notification of special event

(1) A person who desires to hold a special event in a public place shall notify the police of that
intention not less than five days before the date of the special event.

(2) The notification shall be in writing and signed by or on behalf of the organiser of the special event
and shall specify

(a) the place and hour of the special event,
(b) the nature of the special event,

(c) the time of commencement,

(d) the proposed route and destination, and

(e) the proposed time of closure of the event.

(3) The notification shall be submitted to a police officer not below the rank of assistant

superintendent or other police officer responsible for the police station nearest to the location of the

proposed special event.

(4) Where a police officer notified of a special event under subsection (1) has reasonable grounds to

believe that the special event if held may lead to violence or endanger public defence, public order, public

safety, public health or the running of essential services or violate the rights and freedoms of any other

persons, the police officer may request the organiser to postpone the special event to any other date or to

relocate the special event.

(5) An organiser requested under subsection (4) to postpone or relocate the holding of a special event

shall within forty-eight hours of the request, notify the police officer in writing of the willingness to


(6) Where the organiser refuses to comply with the request under subsection (4) or fails to notify the

police officer in accordance with subsection (5), the police officer may apply to a Justice or the chairman

of a Regional Tribunal for an order to prohibit the holding of the special event on the proposed date or at

the proposed location.

(7) The Justice or chairman may make an order that the Justice or the chairman considers to be

reasonably required in the interest of public defence, public order, public safety, public health, the

running of essential services or to prevent a violation of the rights and freedoms of any other persons.

2. Control of routes and crowds

(1) A police officer shall take the steps that are reasonably necessary in a public place

(a) to assist in the proper conduct of a special event by directing the routes of the event to

prevent obstruction of pedestrian or vehicular traffic;

(b) to disperse crowds at a special event where the police officer has reasonable grounds to

believe that a breach of the peace is likely to occur or if a breach of the peace has occurred or

is occurring in order to prevent violence, restore order and preserve the peace.

(2) The police officer in charge of an area of a special event may cause the streets or parts of the

streets of that area to be closed to pedestrian or vehicular traffic or both and may cause to be erected the

barriers which are necessary to preserve public order.

3. Responsibility of organisers and other persons

(1) Where at a special event damage is caused to public property, the organiser or any other persons

found to have been responsible for the damage caused are liable to pay for the cost of the damage.

(2) A person taking part in a special event shall obey the directions of police officers safeguarding the

proper movement of any other persons and vehicles and generally maintain order.

(3) A person taking part in a special event shall act in a manner that avoids causing obstruction of traffic, confusion or disorder.