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General News of Friday, 20 July 2012


Source: radioxyzonline

Prez Mills swears-in Deputy Commissioner of CHRAJ

President John Evans Atta Mills on Friday swore-in Mr Joseph Akanjoluer Whittal, a State Attorney and Deputy Commissioner in Charge of Operations of the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice as the Commission’s new Deputy Commissioner.

The swearing-in ceremony took place at the Osu Castle in Accra, and witnessed by Lauretta Vivian Lamptey, the Head of the Commission.

President Mills used the occasion to task members of the Commission to work as a team for Ghanaians to derive maximum benefits from their work.

The Commission is empowered to investigate complaints concerning practices and actions by persons, private enterprises and other institutions, where those complaints allege violations of fundamental rights and freedoms under the Constitution, as well as investigating all instances of alleged or suspected corruption and the misappropriation of moneys by officials and to take appropriate steps including reports to the Attorney-General and the Auditor General, resulting from such investigations.

The CHRAJ is also to educate the public on human rights.

Mr Whittal promised to work diligently to justify the confidence reposed in him and discharge his duties without fear or favour.

He has 18 years experience with the Commission.

Mr Whittal’s experience includes being the President of the Upper East Ghana Bar Association, a partner of the Law Firm Ayieta Law Consult and Chairman of the Justice and Security Sub Committee of the Builsa District Assembly.**