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General News of Monday, 15 January 1996


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Press Release on Opposition Unity and Recent Developments by Dr. Hilla Limann

Dr. Hilla Limann Founder and Leader of the PeopleAEs National Convention (PNC)

I issue this statement as the Founder and Leader as well as the Chief spokesman of the PeopleAEs National Convention (PCN). I have found it necessary to issue the press release at this time becuase I am gravely concerned about hte present state of the political parties opposed to the govenment of the P NDC) vis-a-vis the state of htenation. There isno doubt in anybodyAEsmind that he vast majority of the people in Ghana are thoroughly fed up with the bungling government of P(NDC) which for more than a decade has managed to sustain itself in power only through falsehood, deceit, manipulation, oppression and frequent outright acts of brigandage. In fant the P(NDC) has over years only succeeded in reducing Ghana to the present state of hopelessness and despair politically, economically, morally and socially.

Ghanaians have the right and the power to remove government which reduce them to object poverty and totally utter despair and in which they ahve totally lost confident. However, the people need to be assisted to take theright steps for the purpose of purging themselves of bad governments. The task of initiating thenecessary moves to unseat the unpopular, corrupt, inept andmanipulative government of the (P)NDC falls squarely onteh shoulders of the political parites opposed to the government. Hence the urgent need for members and supporters of these parties to close their ranks and intensify their organisation, mobilisation and vigilance.

There is also the urgent need tocreate and sustain a very high sence of solidarity both within and among the political parties. These tasks aredaunting, especially in our circumstances where the ruling clique, gang or oligarch has adopted the winner-take-all attitude by imposing an excruiciating financial squeeze on the members, supporters and even sympathisers of the opposition parties. In the light of the foregoing I must statemy graveconcern abbout the present state of political parties seekingto defeat and replace the (P)NDC with the aim of running the affairs of our country more rationally.

Yet the present state of the opposition parties is characterised by mutual suspicion within each party and between tehm. This unfortunate state of affaris has given rise to the trading of accusations and counter-accusations by one party or the other against another and by members of one party against other members of same party. This is all time consuming, wasteful and self-destructive. We must all recognise the fact that political parties are open, not secret or clandestine movements. They are corporate bodies which have to operate in confrmity with the existing laws of the land, including their legally binding constitutions approved by their variuos appropriate party organs such as congresses.

Whatever the parties say, do or decide must therefore conform withthe national constitution and other relevant laws as well as with the constitutions of the respective political parties themselves which bind them. If th eopposition parties opearte faithfull within these principles then we will be able to minimise the accusations and counter-accusations mentioned above as well avoid squandering precious and severely limited time andresources on endless and potentilly distruptive court suits. I, therefore, appeal ferventy to all opposition parties to ocease fireoe by curbing accusations and counter-accusations agaisnt one another.

I also appeal to all the media house to curb the press war currently being waged among the parties. These negative trends must give way to sober the frank discussios and negotiations in an atmosphere of mutual respect and solidarity. We must very scrupulously avoid harsh retorts and abusive language as well as provocative attitues and expressions which tend to incite or irritate others and inflame tempers.

We should be open minded and receptive while being on our guard to expose and flush out possible fifth columinist Trojan Horses who am yattempt to infiltrate our ranks. With specific reference to the Nkrumaist opposition parties, I appeal to their members, supporter and sympathisers to work together at all levels without necessarily compromisng their individual identities in the time being, until all pending legal actionsare cleared up.

In other words, we must collaborate within the dictates of htelaws of Ghana. In particular, I urge all memebers, supporters and sympathisers of the PeopleAEs Convention Party to solidarise with members, supporters and sympathisers of all o However, to avoid any repetition of hteerrors of 1979 which were committed owing to unduly hasty utterances and decisions and which nearly destroyed the Peoples National Party (PNP) at birth I call upon the National Standing Committee of the PNC to urgently convene on 18th January, 1996 and reiterate or review the mandate of the paryAEs five-member negotiation team in the light of court suits now pening against some Nkrumaist political parties. We, however, wihs to express our solidarity with all Nkrumaists ans wish each and every one of them a calm and fulfilling new year.

Finally, I wish to place on record my utter disgust and that of the PNC at the unfortunate, sickening and uncouth spectacle of the principal custodian of the dignity, the honour and the majesty of our nation state desceding into the boxing arena or the level of behaviour and activities of ill-bred street urchins. However, I do wish to appeal fervently to oaur total national community at home and abroad to rally to the defence and rescue of ournational image and prestige from being dragged any further into the mud and moral turpitude.


Dr. Hilla Limann

Founder and Leader

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