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Crime & Punishment of Monday, 31 December 2012


Source: Daily Guide

Rapist Robbers Nabbed

“After I told the armed robbers that I had no money on me when they requested that I bring out my money, one of them stabbed me with a knife in the right arm while the other one who had covered his face, jumped on me and vigorously raped me.”

These were the words of the 25-year-old victim of a robbery attack, recounting her experience to DAILY GUIDE.

The victim was robbed and raped at knife point at Adenta Commandos in Accra around 3:00am on Boxing Day.

The suspects are Michael Kobla, 24, a labourer and Bismarck Amoah Yeboah, 24, also a mason.

The two are currently in the custody of the Adenta District Police Command.

The victim disclosed that she managed to discover some features of her rapist after touching his back, which revealed that her rapist was her former boy friend.

“Around 1:00am that fateful day, I heard some people trying to forcefully open my window and so I shouted for help, and they fled,” the victim told DAILY GUIDE.

“They later returned around 3:00am while I was deep in sleep, with covered faces, wielding a knife while reeking of alcohol.

“The suspects requested that I give them some money, and I told them I had no money. They then asked that I give them GH¢100, and I again told them I had no money.

“One of them got furious and stabbed me in the arm while the other held my neck and consequently pushed me on the bed. The suspect in the process raped me and when he was satisfied, they took my mobile phone and fled.”

The victim however mentioned her rapist as Michael Kobla, her former boyfriend.

“I reported the matter to the police that same day and was given a medical form for medical attention,” the victim said.

Confirming the story to DAILY GUIDE, the commander in charge of the Adenta District Police, DSP Stephen K. Ahiatafu, said the suspects were arrested on December 26, 2012 at their hideout at Commandos by the police.

Police received information that the two suspected armed robbers had attacked a victim around 3:00am, robbed, raped and stabbed the victim in addition, after she refused to give them what they asked for.

They later took away her mobile phone as well and fled.

When the suspects were arrested, and a search was conducted in their room, the knife which they used to stab the victim was found with blood stains on it together with the mobile phone of the victim.

Upon interrogation, suspects admitted to the offence but were quick to add that they were heavily drunk that night.

Suspect Michael Kobla, the former boyfriend of the victim, recruited Bismarck Amoah Yeboah to help him carry out the nefarious act.

The two came to the house around 1:00am and attempted to break-in through the windows of the victim but with the shouts of the victim, the suspects fled and later returned with covered faces.

The two then broke through victim’s door and entered the room to rob her.

They threatened to kill her should she attempt to shout.

They then stabbed her in the arm, held her neck while demanding an amount of GH¢100 from the victim.

When they realized that the victim had no such money, suspect Michael raped her and fled with his colleague.

Upon their arrest, the two initially denied having committed the act but when the knife was found with the blood stains, they confessed to the act.

The two would be sent to court soon after the Christmas holidays to face the law.

DSP Ahiatafu advised criminals not to think police personnel were also on holidays and so they would continue to commit crime.

He added, “We the police are ready for them”.