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General News of Friday, 11 August 2017



Rawlings is a hypocrite - Valerie Sawyerr

Former Deputy Chief of Staff, Valerie Sawyerr Former Deputy Chief of Staff, Valerie Sawyerr

The former Deputy Chief of Staff under President John Dramani Mahama, Mrs Valerie Sawyerr, has launched a scathing attack on the founder of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), ex-president Jerry John Rawlings, and former Attorney General Martin Amidu, likening them as the nuisance of a buzzing mosquito or housefly.

“When will this buzzing sound stop? Aaba! Should I call them ntomtom (Twi word for ‘mosquitoes’) or nwansena (Twi word for ‘flies’)? In the Ga dialect, the mosquito is referred to as tonton and the fly adidon.”

She questioned the loud silence of Rawlings in the face of what she believed are the failings of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government, including allegations of corruption.

She chronicled a number of issues, including the controversial $2.25 billion government bond and the 5 million litres of contaminated fuel, and wondered why the ex-president has been quiet about those issues.

For a man with a track record of criticising all other presidents, except his presidency, Mrs Sawyer believes the silence of Mr Rawlings is worrying.

Rawlings, in a speech at the Ada Asafotufiami Festival, said: “Former presidents John Kufuor, John Evans Mills and John Mahama presided over massive corruption”.

“They say he booms, I say he buzzes… like an agitated mosquito… looking for his next victim. Is he trying to say that his reign was unblemished or that his twin brother’s (President Akufo-Addo) reign is unsullied? Really?” Valerie asked in an opinion piece she wrote.

Mrs Sawyerr was also not at all friendly to former Attorney General Martin Amidu and President Nana Akufo-Addo.

Describing Amidu as a “pompous” personality with an “over-bloated ego”, Valerie did not understand why Amidu disregarded her directive stopping all appointees from granting press interviews after a presidential press conference held by the then John Mills.

According to her, Amidu rubbished the directive, only to attack her person and refer to her as “small girl.”

She was convinced Amidu’s “sense of self-importance” constitutes an “Achilles heel”, which will eventually “destroy him.”

“Yet another day dawns in which we are supposed to share love, peace and laughter ... yet again the buzzing sound is on … distracting all from the joy that the day brings.

“JJ oooo JJ … the great Papa JJ … the one and only Junior Jesus … the great saint who never does wrong … you are still flogging a dead horse … the NDC is in Opposition in case you have not noticed, while a living raging bull is moving around with reckless abandon destroying everything it finds in its path including the assets and citizens of this nation.

“… but I guess you really can’t see it … or you are waiting for it to raise its tusks in avenging rage to gore your eyes out. I hope when the tusks are raised, the bond or pact you have made with the ‘brass band conducting’ President will be strong enough to cause the tusks to be lowered before they pierce your eyes that see only what you want to see in line with whatever agenda you deem fit. By the way, did you see the President conducting the brass band? Was that the police band or army band? Was it in Ghana or overseas? Ei, Mr. President, what was that?

“Papa Stone, I hear you said: ‘When I talk they say I don’t like NDC’. [N]o! I don’t like stealing, I don’t like disgrace so if NDC does good I will praise them if they are bad I will say it as well.”

Rawlings destroys NDC

“Who has said you don’t like the NDC? Are you setting your own questions and answering them please? Nobody has said you do not like the NDC. Stop putting words in our mouths. Indeed, some think you crave for the NDC so much that you are prepared to destroy anyone and anything in the NDC if that will suit your agenda to always be in control of the NDC.”

Rawlings breaches on rules

“… but I don’t blame you Papa J ... I blame the NDC … after you taught us probity, accountability and transparency, why can’t we rise to demand same of you? After you taught us to be fearless in upholding the truth, why don’t we rise to demand same of you? When you twist and manipulate us, why don’t our leaders ask you why you are breaching your own so-called rules? “With all due respect, have you named those you KNOW to be involved in corruption?”

$5m Abacha cash to Rawlings

“Maybe they will explain to you that the Head of State put the money in a bag and placed it on the plane and that it was used for the ‘good of the country’ … the same way the US$5m (oops US$2m) was placed in a briefcase and put on the plane and was used ‘for the good of the country’.”

Rawlings’ convertible Chevy Coupe sports car gift

“Maybe they will explain to you that the luxury car you see in their yard was given to them as a gift by unnamed friends … the same way the black convertible Chevy Coupe sports car was given by unnamed friends as a birthday gift.

“You never know what their explanations would be. It is therefore important that you name them and allow them to have a hearing in line with the rules of natural justice.”

NDC members should rise up against Rawlings

“NDC, where are our men and women? NDC where are our leaders? I challenge you to rise and speak the truth unblemished and fearlessly!!! The truth can be told by all - no man or woman is the sole repository of truth!”

“Achilles heel” to destroy Martin Amidu

“… and what is Comrade Martin Amidu also babbling about? Martin, did I not tell you that your pomposity, over-bloated ego and sense of self-importance constitute your Achilles heel? Remember, when I told you (years ago) after a presidential press conference, that a directive had been issued that no appointee should grant a press interview in order to avoid any contradictory statements on air … and you screeched … ‘who are you … small girl like you … where were you when I was Attorney General’ etc etc? Remember I told you that it is your Achilles heel that would destroy you?”

Martin Amidu attempted to assault Prof Mills

“Barely a week or so after that, you were relieved of your post as Attorney-General after attempting to assault a sitting Head of State? Since then you have become a so-called crusader, sinking lower and lower in the NDC as you seem to rise higher and higher in the NPP. I am not a soothsayer, neither am I a harbinger of gloom and doom … but once again I say to you … this time with a nation full of witnesses … that your Achilles heel will destroy you!

“Respectfully Martin, cut the crap! You have achieved your aim … the NDC is in Opposition. I challenge you to resign from the NDC since you no longer promote the cause of the NDC. Or do you also subscribe to the agenda to destroy to take over? The agenda that is based on the premise that it is easier to take over the NDC when it is in Opposition!

“Hahahahaha!!! I am waiting for the surrogate groups that will spring up suddenly like jacks in the box (I understand the plural is either ‘jack in the boxes’ or ‘jacks in the box’) to lambast me and everyone or everything that is connected with me … the modus operandus is always the same …

“I am waiting for the NDC men and women who will suddenly find their voices and go on air and call me unprintable names … the modus operandus is always the same …

“I am waiting for the NDC leadership who will summon me because all of a sudden they have found their disciplinary tongues having been whipped in line by bullies who seek to terrorise those around them … the modus operandus is always the same …

“Papa J, what happened to the anti-malaria crusade you were supposed to have embarked on after you left office? We have not heard much about it. Did you not find enough minions to work on it for you to ensure that you could take the glory?”

Rawlings fell out with allies

“Is it true that you fell out with a majority of those who worked diligently for you at different stages of your journey … the Ahwois, the Tsikatas, the Peprahs, the Abodakpis, the PV Obengs (blessed memory), the Sherry Ayiteys, the Kwesi Botchweys, the Martha Tamakloes, the Sipa Yankeys, the Ibrahim Adams, the Mould Iddrisus, the Herbert Mensahs and a whole host of others? “I guess the anti-malaria crusade was too calm a crusade for you. Then with all due respect, please look for something more exciting …”

Rawlings should go fight ‘galamsey’

“The ‘galamsey’ problem is still in existence despite the fact that the Government is trying to pretend that it has gone away. I am sure you are needed in places like Denkyira Obuasi to help clampdown on the menace. This will help your twin brother President Akufo-Addo fulfill his anti-galamsey promise. Even though he did promise the galamseyers before the 2016 elections that he would leave them to ply their trade. Hmmm …confusion here, there and everywhere! “Years ago, we used to have some kind of insect spraying equipment that looked like a pump ... it had a can which contained the insecticide and a long arm for pumping the insecticide towards the target. Nowadays, we have a simple tall can with a spray nozzle at the top. Maybe it is time to stop the gentle puffs with the modern cans and find one of the old bazookas!

“The buzzing sound still continues … I am going back into hibernation … what I choose to call ‘Peaceful Opposition’! “I am for peace … Shalom!!!”