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Politics of Monday, 16 January 2012


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Re-instate our National Youth Organiser, or ...


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Some of us, the Constituency Youth Organisers of the Convention People’s Party (CPP) in the Greater Accra Region wish to tell the National Executive of the Party to immediately re-instate our National Youth Organiser, Comrade General Murtala Mohammed to continue his duties as the elected National Youth Organiser. We will not regard any appendages or stooges of the National Chairperson Hon. Samia Yaba Nkrumah to be imposed on us.

The decision of the Central Committee to interdict our Youth Organizer is hasty, biased and not based on due process. The decision was designed to shut down the youth of the party as it has always done. It was also meant to cover the authoritarian attitudes and lack of transparency of the Hon. Samia Nkrumah and Mr. Ivor Greenstreet.

If for instance, Comrade Mutala Mohammed’s interdiction was based on his utterances and actions which supposedly tended to undermine the authority of party leadership and subject the party to public ridicule, then what speaks of the National Chair, the General Secretary and others. We want the leadership to understand that the NYO’s outburst did not just erupt from any vacuum of no sense. It was sparked by something, which we will soon expose.

We are not perturbed at all by the recent upshots in the party, because we know it is some few individuals, who do not wish the party well, who have resorted to the use of machinations and diabolic moves to indict the integrity of others for nothing. We are all aware of the many baseless things that have been said about our National Youth Organiser without any concrete justification; we are going to challenge them squarely.

We remain solidly behind our Youth Organiser Comrade Murtala Mohammed and any attempt to side line him will attract commensurate legal action against the party. If our demands are not met, we shall resort to the highest decision making body of this country to compel the party to re-instate Comrade Murtala Mohammed as our elected National Youth Organiser and stop the other National Executives from acting as executives of the party.

We are also entreating the so-called Legal brains in the party to read through the Constitution of the party carefully to be able to ascertain the repercussions of the decision taken by Central Committee. They must also be prepared to encounter so many surprises because we are prepared for them.

We want to state also that, the party is not the property of Kwame Nkrumah for Hon. Samia Nkrumah to claim ownership such that anybody who disagrees with her must be sacked from the party. Indeed the founding fathers of the current CPP do not include Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. The CPP of Kwame Nkrumah is not the same as CPP of today.

There’s Victory for us!

*Ibrahim Salim Mohammed*

*Ablekuma Central*

*Youth Organiser*
