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Press Releases of Saturday, 11 December 2021


Source: Ridgeline Group

Ridgeline Group commissions refurbished CHPs Compound, other facilities at Hobor

The facilities are to address critical gaps in the area The facilities are to address critical gaps in the area

The Ridgeline Group, which consists of six students from the Institute of Distance Learning (IDL) of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Catherine Danso- Boahene, Gertrude Ofosu-Dankyi, Matilda Danquah, Aminatu Issah, Gideon Okai, and Maxwell Data Glalah) undertook the project.

The refurbished facility, according to Ridgeline team leader Maxwell Data Glalah, will address critical gaps in the CHPs Compound healthcare delivery system, which have hampered access to quality healthcare for mostly women and children in Hobor and other surrounding communities/villages that rely on the facility.

The Ridgeline team's academic engagements for the award of an MSC. Degree in Development Management requires them to undertake an innovative exercise dubbed Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropic Projects (SEaP) which necessitated the Health Infrastructural Support Project (HISP) in Hobor.

The logistical and infrastructural support provided to the Hobor CHPs facility, Maxwell Glalah claims, is to enable the health workers to operate in-house as well as provide outreach health services in the community to assist maternity and child welfare activities.

Peter Adonu, Assembly member for Hobor, thanked the Ridgeline team for their thoughtful gesture and urged hospital staff to persist with the hospital's high standards of high-quality healthcare delivery.

He promised the community's constant support in keeping the CHPs compound in good shape to enable the health professionals to carry out their job efficiently.

Jones Anim, Hobor's Snr. Public Health Officer, speaking on behalf of Dr. Abena Okoh the Municipal Director of Health Services, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Ridgeline team for their generosity to the Hobor community.

"This project will address a number of difficulties at the facility, assisting in the improvement of the CHPS compounds distribution system," he added.

The project was commissioned with the help of the Hobor Chief, Torgbui Hobor II, the Assembly member for Hobor, Hon. Peter Adonu, and other opinion leaders.

Through the support of some corporate institutions and individuals, the group was able to raise GHS42,500.00 and was able to execute the following:

a. Erection of an open shed to accommodate mothers and babies accessing Maternal and Child Welfare Services (regular baby weighing sessions, antenatal and postnatal education etc) and this will help reduce congestion in the existing limited space especially during these COVID-19 times and promote convenience.

b. Construction of an Ultra-modern urinal for ladies and gentlemen

c. Construction of a walkway from shed to the urinal

d. Refurbishment of the facility including the following:

• fixing of broken facial board

• electrical rewiring

• replacement of all electrical sockets, lamp holders and bulbs

• replacement of fan and broken fan regulators

• painting

e. Provision of 6 benches with backrest for use under the shed

f. Furniture (2 tables and 4 chairs) for health personnel

g. Provision of a visitation bag to support outreach to other communities

h. Provision of weighing scales for babies and toddlers

i. Mackintosh Spreads for covering beds

j. 150 bottles of Vitamin Supplements for Pregnant Women

k. Toiletries including toilet rolls, liquid soap, washing powder, and crunches.

The refurbishment of the CHPs compound was made possible with the help of Ecobank Ghana Plc, Agriplus Limited, Mrs. Kadijah Amoah (CEO, Aker Energy), Mr. Michel Saouda (CEO, Scanport Limited), Mr. Kofi Ansah (Former CEO , Minerals Commission).

Other are, Mr. Charles K. Asare (Former MD, Ghana Airports Company Ltd), Mr. Pius and Mrs. Geogia Opoku Gyamfi , Mrs. Ama Otiwa Boakye (Khosen Limited), Mr. Nicholas Kumah (MD, Eliho Ghana Limited) and Mr. Richemond Appiah-Gaisie (Finance Manager, Eliho Ghana Ltd) Mr. Isaac Turkson, University Of Ghana, Legon.