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General News of Thursday, 6 October 2011


Source: Members of Northern Patriots in Research and Advocacy

Sack Principal Of Midwifery Training School

Members of Northern Patriots in Research and Advocacy wish to call on the Director-General of Ghana Health Service to as a matter of urgency remove from office the principal of the Bolgatanga Midwifery Training School for professional misconduct and engaging in acts that seriously undermine quality health service delivery in northern Ghana particularly Gushegu District in the northern region.

The principal’s practical demonstration of her anti-quality health service delivery in northern Ghana is clearly seen in the following facts. The Northern Regional Health Directorate of Ghana Health Service, Tamale in a letter dated 19th May, 2011 with the caption, “RECOMMENDATION FOR SPECIAL CONSIDERATION FOR ADMISSION” stated that “one of the major challenges facing this region is the acute shortage of Midwives, and most of the few that we have too are advanced in age”. The letter continued in its second paragraph that “Even though the situation is lousy that of the Gushegu District is very critical. A whole district hospital like Gushegu with all the ultra-modern facilities has only three midwives at post. It is against this background that management have encouraged the under-listed officers to pursue post basic midwifery certificate” The letter concluded with an appeal to the principal to consider the humble request made and further pledged to sponsor the students when admitted.

The letter which was sent to the principal through the Upper East Regional Health Directorate of Ghana Health Service also had the blessing of the Regional Director of Health Services, Upper East Region. In a covering letter dated May 24, 2011, the Regional Health Director, Dr. John Awoonor Williams in his usual love for humanity stated “I forward to you a request from the Regional Director of Health Services, Northern Region for the training of five midwives for Gushegu District Hospital. These requests are very important for the Gushegu District Hospital and have my full support. Please kindly assist” In support of the request made by the Regional Health Directorate, a letter dated 24th of October, 2011 from the Ministry of Health and addressed to the principal stated that “The Ministry of Health is requesting for a special consideration for the admission of five serving personnel working at the Gushegu District Hospital to pursue the Post Basic Midwifery certificate course. This request has become necessary due to acute shortage of midwives in the District. The current situation shows that the few midwives at post are advanced in age and will go on pension any moment”

The principal after one month of issuing admission letters to the students on August 11, 2011 and making the Gushgegu District Hospital pay GHC 5,422.02 with additional money from the students themselves decided to verbally dismiss the students from the school without any official letter with concrete reasons for her action.

It is important to note that per the admission letter, the only sufficient condition that can necessitate the termination of the offer of admission to a student is misconduct, unsatisfactory progress in studies or failing to pass any prescribed examination. Once this was not the case with these students, certainly the principal has a lot of questions to answer from the public. What is more disturbing and makes NORPRA doubt the mental health of the principal is when she said in response to the students’ request for the refund of their money that before they could get the refund they should individually in an official letter addressed to her state that they themselves are no longer interested in the school and that their fees be refunded. NORPRA is fully aware of several interventions by the powers that be particularly her superiors for her to reconsider her wrong actions and woman-against women welfare decision but, driven by her strong determination to worsen maternal mortality cases in Northern Region, frustrate the people of northern Ghana and lack of respect for authority this lady would not listen to anybody. Several attempts made by NORPRA’s members to meet with the principal and discuss the matter with her proved futile as she arrogantly said she has no time to meet with anybody for any discussion on any matter.

We wish to make it clear to the public that the era where people ran public offices as if they were their own property is gone.

NORPRA therefore wish to state clearly without missing words that if after 72 hours the Director-General of Ghana Health Service does not remove her from the Bolgatanga Midwifery Training School, we will not hesitate to use all available means to prevent her from holding herself as principal of Bolgatanga Midwifery Training School.


Ayorogo Adongo Bismark (President)

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