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General News of Wednesday, 14 February 2018



Special Prosecutor vetting: Amidu was disrespectful - Prof. Gyampo

Prof Ransford Gyampo play videoProf Ransford Gyampo

The Director of the Centre for European Studies at the University of Ghana, Professor Ransford Gyampo, has said the special prosecutor nominee, Martin Amidu, was disrespectful towards the vetting committee.

Professor Gyampo stated that, Mr Amidu despite his knowledge in the subject area was disrespectful to the committee with his mannerisms and that should be condemned.

Reacting to Mr Amidu’s posture during his vetting on Tuesday, February 13, 2018, on Accra FM, Professor Gyampoh said the nominee was arrogant.

“We all know his level of intelligence but his mannerisms were bad and he wanted to prove he knew better than all of them,” he said.

He said: “He (Amidu) demonstrated he was on top of issues but no matter how brilliant you are, no matter how intelligent you may be, when you appear before a committee or a group of people for an interview or to be vetted, you have to maintain a composure which is very calm but at the same time will not make you a walk over.

“The vetting committee is not a place to blow your own horn and show disrespectful gestures. To the youth if you adopt this attitude at some interview no matter how qualified or brilliant you are, you’ll not be employed. In a way, the composure and mannerism of Martin Amidu was not the best, I found it quite disrespectful to the vetting committee.”

Touching on the vetting in general, Professor Gyampoh said the exercise was commendable.

“Overall it was a healthy interaction, the questions were probing and he [Amidu] had intelligent responses to those questions. If that was the yardstick to determine the win against the fight against corruption, then we’ll go places in the fight against corruption. I commend the committee and the nominee for the intelligent manner in which he answered those questions.”