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Diasporia News of Tuesday, 9 September 2008


Source: NDC-New Jersey Chapter

Statement By NDC New Jersey Chapter

We wish to take this opportunity to condemn the acts of violence in Tamale, Gusheigu, and Kpatinga that resulted in the loss of lives and destruction of properties. This has once again confirmed that the culture of impunity created and nurtured by the NPP government for its party members, who are in the minority in the North, will continue to threaten the foundation of our democracy. This dastardly act of carnage meted out to innocent people in the North by NPP members is a deliberate attempt to put fear into the electorate.

Knowing very well that their electoral fortunes have dwindled and the elephant, lately the Kangaroo, is facing eminent extinction, they have resorted to this barbaric act of terror to disrupt the peaceful elections. What is also clear from series of incidents (from Issah Mobila to Jemoni) is that the "NPP gunmen" are still armed and dangerous. So we call on leadership of NPP to call to their men to order and allow peaceful election. We remind NPP that they came to power through peaceful elections and must leave office through peaceful elections.

We wish to console the victims and their families. We also call on our supporters to exercise maximum restraint in the face of NPP continuous provocations.

Long Live NDC

Long Live Ghana.

Sign: NDC-New Jersey Chapter