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General News of Wednesday, 29 November 2017



Suspension has 'served its purpose'; reinstate Agyapong - Group mounts pressure on NPP

Mr. Kwabena Agyapong Mr. Kwabena Agyapong

A group calling itself Concern Patriots of Bawku are calling for the immediate reinstatement of suspended General Secretary of the Party, Mr. Kwabena Agyapong.

According to the group, eventhough they consider the suspension as being in "the right direction," they believe "it has served its purpose", and therefore are appealing to the party’s hierarchy to begin the process of reinstating him.

The NPP, in 2015, suspended its 2nd Vice Chairman, Sammy Crabbe, alongside Mr. Agyapong, after they were accused of publicly rebelling against the party’s decision to indefinitely suspend its National Chairman, Paul Afoko.

Mr. Afoko and Mr. Crabbe, subsequently filed a suit over their suspension, but both suits were thrown out by the court.

Unlike the two, Mr. Agyapong did not seek legal action, which some have cited as proof of his loyalty to the party and an argument in favour of his reinstatement

In a statement signed by over 200 NPP members in the Bawku Central Constituency, including 31 polling station executives of the party, they stessed that "a suspension is meant to serve as a warning, a punishment of a sort, to the culprit and deterrent to others, but not as a conduit to get rid of the people that are deemed or perceived to have gone wrong. A suspension is not and should not practically mean the same thing as dismissal and we think this party of all, should be competently able to distinguish the difference".

The Concern Patriots of Bawku further stated that the conduct of Mr Agyapong, before and after his suspension, demonstrates not only his unconditional love for the NPP, but stands as testimony to the fact that he wants to see the party return to power in 2016.

"No further proof of such patriotism is necessary and it should not be devalued for any form of political expediency.

"Listening to and analysing the pros and cons of the arguments, we think it is only wise we organize this conference session in other to add our voices and make our opinion known on the matter. But even before we begin to make our points, we may like to refresh your minds with the saying thus “Never leave true relation for few faults……. For no one is perfect. Nobody is correct at the end. Affection is greater than perfection”, the statement added.

Find below a copy of press statement



27th November, 2017.

Ladies and gentlemen of the media, thank you for joining us on such a short notice.

We have observed with keen interest, the happenings in our party concerning the call for the reinstatement of our suspended general secretary namely Kwabena Agyei Agyapong, for the past fortnight or so.

Listening to and analysing the pros and cons of the arguments, we think it is only wise we organize this conference session in other to add our voices and make our opinion known on the matter. But even before we begin to make our points, we may like to refresh your minds with the saying thus “Never leave true relation for few faults……. For no one is perfect. Nobody is correct at the end. Affection is greater than perfection”.

First and foremost, we wish to state that the suspension was in the right direction, but just add that it has served its purpose. Therefore by way of making this statement, we wish to make an honest appeal to the party’s hierarchy to begin the process of reinstating the suspended General Secretary to his elected position. We also in doing so, make a passionate plea on this singular intra-party discord, to his Excellency the president to intervene in his own way as the leader of the party, so that we may go back to normalcy and see our general secretary back to office.

A suspension is meant to serve as a warning, a punishment of a sort, to the culprit and deterrent to others, but not as a conduit to get rid of the people that are deemed or perceived to have gone wrong. A suspension is not and should not practically mean the same thing as dismissal and we think this party of all, should be competently able to distinguish the difference.

Among others, this is a gentle man whose long standing service and dedication to the party is a matter of public record. He is also a brave warrior whose prowess in the defense of the ideas and principles of the party is also a matter that the public can attest to. Even in difficulty as can be ascertain in his responds to the release of the then director of communication on the 10th December 2015 on his suspension, He nonetheless restrained himself as he was convinced that, it was yet another opportunity to uphold the party constitutions as enshrined in article 3(d).

His conduct before and after his suspension, demonstrated not only his unconditional love for the NPP, but stands as testimony to the fact that KAA want to see the party return to power in 2016. No further proof of such patriotism is necessary and it should not be devalued for any form of political expediency.

We are conscious of the fact that, KAA is not the only suspended executive, but the fact that even though he disagrees with the suspension, he yet accepted it. For the fact that he has conducted himself honourably without any form of defiance to the decision of the party even though he disagrees with same. For the fact that even in his suspension he went ahead to aid the party in his own small way by donating GH¢2,000.00 to some constituencies across the country, some few days to the general election, to which of course this constituency was a beneficiary. And for the same reason that the disciplinary committee recommended that he be suspended for fifteen (15) months and the others indefinitely. We think he has acted sufficient enough in good faith and in obedient to the decision of the party. He has been patriotic to the party’s principles, representatives and agents, even in his complete disagreement of the suspension and therefore deserves a call back to his elected position, because such an attitude remains an imperative of “partimanship.”

We risk boring you with his show of “partimanship” during and after his suspension, for there is the saying that “the devil is in the details”. Even though we understand that no one is indispensable in this party, but we must not also forget so easily the efforts and contribution of people like KAA in making the party what it is today. Respectfully, let’s not allow animosity and vindictiveness to shape in a party build on the principle of diverse opinions and togetherness. We have come a long way as a party and it should not be this time that we should feign innocent of the various roles played by people like KAA in building this party as that can be dangerous for our quest to get people to continue to sacrifice for this party.

It is worth mentioning after all, our call is necessary and worth it especially at a time the party is going through various processes to amend its constitution. For it would not speak well of the party to have its elected general secretary on suspension whiles the party’s constitution stands to be amended.

Ladies and gentlemen, we do not wish to impugn the competency of some executives but aside the policies and the delivery of the promises by the government as an administration, it is a fact that the grassroots people are not happy with happenings under the current leadership or if you like, the leadership structure of the NPP as a political party.

We have been under represented, under served and our concerns are hardly given the necessary attention. The party leadership as it is now is almost always nonchalant about the distresses of the grassroots on many issues and it is our hope that this all important matter of KAA is not treated with such attitude. For the calls for his reinstatement has been so loud even to the deaf. It has been re-echoed by well wisher, party sympathizers, supporters and we can confidently say, there are many party faithful’s across the country, who for the fear of their jobs, positions and relationship with some other people, are in support of such a call but will not be public about their opinion in support for KAA’s reinstatement to his elected position as the General secretary of the party.

Ladies and gentlemen of the media, we make this strong but passionate plea and appeal to the appropriate party structure even though the odds and elements against such a call may look enormous. But we are doing so, for the love of the party and because we need this party to forge a strong administrative front. We also wish as stakeholders to be governed by principles and laws, and not by the whims and caprices of some people.

It is said “Mother dog does not bite its young one up to the bone”, and we hope the party takes cognisance of that saying and act in the spirit of unity, reconciliation and togetherness.

Respectfully submitted.

We the undersigned