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Editorial News of Thursday, 30 October 1997


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The Statesman carries a front page banner headline which says "Challenge to the NPP". The accompanying story says the National Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Mr Peter Ala Adjetey, has challenged critics of his administration to either "loosen their purses to push the party of shut up". The Statesman says Mr Adjetey who was addressing a special reception by the Finance and Economic Committee of the NPP for National Executive and Founding Members, MPs Young Executive Forum and special guests, in Accra, urged committed members of the party to "put your money where your mouth is". The paper says in a 'no holds barred' speech, Mr Adjetey , declaring a 'moment of action', was critical of those who mount platforms and pontificate or make big statements about shortcomings in the party and challeged them to demonstrate their concern by contributing financially to the party's programmes. "This party is not going to win elections merely by shouting on platforms", the Statesman reported him as saying. GRI

In another front page story, the Statesman reports that trouble and uneasiness have been brewing at the Head Office of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), barely six weeks after the death of its chairman, Mr Chris Hesse. The paper says most of the employees are disenchanted as one of the ambitious directors of the Commission is masquerading as the "most favoured" officer to step into the shoes of the late Mr Hesse. According to the Statesman, what is baffling most of the employees is that the director has already compiled a list of the so-called 'bad nuts' at the Commission who will be sent to the 'firing squad' - dismissed as soon as he takes over the high position. GRI