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Editorial News of Saturday, 16 August 1997


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"Robbers attack Rawlings' ADC...They make away with millions of cedis", is the lead story of the paper. The Weekend Statesman says the spate of armed robberies and burglaries in the country is not only reaching alarming proportions but has also become brazen. It says it is almost as if the perpetrators are now daring the authority of the state, and patience of the citizens. The paper says in what must seem like the stuff of fiction, a group of armed robbers broke into the residence of one of the closest cronies of President Jerry John Rawlings in the early hours of July 20, this year, and made away with cash and material worth hundreds of millions of cedis. It says the culprits have since been arrested and are helping the police in their investigations. According to a Weekend Statesman stringer who spoke to the police, the name of the victim is being protected by the police authorities but he was able to glean that the name is one Tetteh. The paper says though the police confirmed the burglary, they would not say whether the name is Warrant Officer Tetteh, Sgt-Maj. Tetteh or Major Tetteh. GRI