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General News of Friday, 3 November 2006


Source: Network Herald

TUC Shocked At President

Workers of Ghana, represented by the umbrella organization the Trades Union Congress (TUC), has challenged government to explain why any person or group of persons implicated in a coup plot should not be dealt with.

A statement signed by Acting Secretary General Kofi Asamoah said it was the duty of government and the security agencies to ensure due process in the democracy Ghana is pursuing as a law-governed society.

It said it was regrettable that “no mean a person than the President of the Republic should make a serious an allegations as a coup plot against none other than the ex-President of this country.”

The statement said as the country prepared to mark a golden jubilee, what is needed was peace and unity as the nation strives to live to its motto – Freedom and Justice and condemned what it described as the “predictable pattern of attacks and counter attacks by the President and the man who held power immediately before him.

It also found regrettable strong indications that long before the 2008 elections suggestions were being made that unless a particular party was declared winner it would never pass for a free and fair process, that there would be massive rigging.

The workers’ statement condemned former President Rawlings’ reported call on the Military High Command to bring the government to order. It endorsed the position of the military as contained in a statement issued by the High Command rebuffing an invitation to intervene in the political arena while pointing out why the military was to be allowed to perform its professional and constitutional responsibilities without interference.

It charged political institutions and stakeholders to be a bit more circumspect in their agitations be a bit more reflective and less inflammatory in their discourses while they work assiduously to promote the peace and unity that the nation’s Freedom and Justice motto stands for.

The statement reminded stakeholders that their protest was in line with the fact that as the largest and most representative worker organization in Ghana, it felt duty bound to speak against such negative and inflammatory tendencies before they crystallized into present and clear dangers capable of tearing the country apart.