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Crime & Punishment of Friday, 26 February 2016


Source: GNA

Teacher fined for breach of trust

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Elijah Nyamekeh, a teacher living at Ellenda near Tikobo Number One in the Western Region was on Monday fined Gh?600.00 for fraudulent breach of trust.

Nyamekeh was fined on his own plea, and would serve a nine months jail term in default of payment.

The court presided over by Mr Abdul Majid Illiasu, ordered him to pay back the complainant's Gh?400.00 and an additional Gh?100.00 for inconveniences.

Presenting the facts of the case, Police Sergeant (Sgt.) Isaac Ebo Otoo, said the complainant in the case, Madam Lucy Ewolade is a farmer at Nuba near Mpataba while Nyameke, a teacher of Bonyere Modern Educational Complex, lives at Ellenda.

He said on October 16 last year, Nyamekeh who was then living in the complaint's house at Nuba, told her he was leaving for Takoradi, so she gave him Gh?400.00 to make a mobile money transfer to her son Edward at Takoradi.

The prosecutor said the convict returned from his journey to tell the complainant that the money got missing at Agona Nkwanta, in the Ahanta West District of the Region.

He said a few days later the convict told the complainant that he had heard of the money and his Identification Card and was going for them.

According to Sgt. Otoo, after Nyamekeh left, all efforts by the complainant to locate him personally or on phone proved futile.

The prosecution said the woman later realized that the convict had vacated her premises without her notice.

He indicated that the complainant became suspicious and accordingly reported the case to Mpataba Police who subsequently arrested Nyamekeh from his hideout at Ellenda.

He was arraigned and after investigations, charged with the offence, the prosecution said.