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Editorial News of Friday, 5 March 2021



The Herald Ghana: Compulsory retirement of Domelevo: This government too shall pass

Daniel Domelevo, former Auditor-General Daniel Domelevo, former Auditor-General

Each passing day, since 2017, continues to present Ghana as a country in need of saving, because all is not well.

The recurring and often escalating level of corruption in this administration has assumed an alarming rate and has overwhelmed Ghanaians.

Without doubt, corruption has so drained the nation of its resources, and well-meaning Ghanaians have always thrown their weight behind anyone, who puts himself up to fight the canker.

Daniel Yao Domelovo, the Auditor general, who has been forced into early retirement, was one of the illustrious sons of this country fighting to bring back the integrity and restore sanity in our body politics.

A corruption crusader, became a target of corrupt officials, who are expected to support him in the discharge of his duties.

He has been hounded out of office, not because he has been accused of corruption, but that he is relentless fighting corruption.

While our leaders implore us to eschew corruption, they are neck deep in it and are not ashamed to come after anyone, who dares to take the fight to rid the nation of corruption.

Daniel Domelevo, maybe ousted today for his principles, but let those who think they have power and so can desecrate our institutions and disgrace honourable men among us, remember that, their time in power will pass.

As a newspaper we believe that, the pervasive corruption that has permeated every facet of our society, should pre-occupy the mind and actions of state officials.

The verdict as to who is wrong between Daniel Domelevo and the cabal in government is out and Ghanaians know he was chased out office because of his integrity.

Tomorrow is pregnant and this newspaper is of the considered opinion that, corruption has no statute of limitation, everyone who is involved in this shameful act, because they want to cover their corrupt act, will come face to face with justice one day.

We are compelled to insist that, this matter unlike matters in the past should not be swept under the carpet, civil society organizations, political parties and ordinary Ghanaians, should speak in unison in defense of Daniel Yao Domelevo.