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Religion of Sunday, 10 April 2011


Source: Harold AD

The Intercessor Angel At The Four Gates Of Ghana

The Intercessor Angel At The Four Gates Of Ghana Iii – Final

Final Invocations:

My sins are constantly before me and I feel a sense of guilt any time I remember them and my duty toward you my creator. Only you can blot them out of my memory so that I can remember them no more, even the shame of my youth. Strengthen me in those things I did well today in your sight, and cut out from my path those things that make me offend your laws and my neighbour. Increase my love for you and neighbour and make me an instrument of your peace, justice and reconciliation.

One thing I should not forget, Father is the issue of unity you asked for your disciples. Let Ghanaians reach perfection in unity so that the world may know that by our dedication and incessant prayers to you, you have loved us just as your Son did (cf. Jn. 17: 23). Bring all the tribes, chiefdoms and regions of this Land together for the common destiny you have crafted for us. Let all those who breed and propagate hatred and division among your people be caught in their own snare. Let all those who dream death and wish death to your people be the first to go down under. Strike them with utmost darkness and let them never see the light of day anymore! Father in heaven, let the fear of you and the desire of all tribes in Ghana to know you and your love bring us all together as one people. Unite us with and in your love.

Finally Father Lord God of Creation, I request a special favour for the President of your Republic. I pray that you give daily strength to Professor John Atta Mills so he can lead this vast territory of difficult sheep. Give him wisdom and insight into the more murky and unfathomable situations of State so he can make time-testing decisions for the common good of your nation. Encourage him to say no to evil and self-centred minds who may ill-advise him, and no to another term if he feels deep inside him that he is tired or has done enough after this one term. Turn the advice of his advisors into mad talk if they only intend it to satisfy their selfish interests. Guide the ruling party to peacefully chose a successor and kill the desire of those whose selfish interests tend to destroy the nation. Instil a sense of God-fearing, love, social and economic justice and the purposefulness of vision in all those who aspire to lead and rule your people, especially those in the NPP and NDC. If they don’t have these, please erase their names perpetually from the minds and eyes of Ghanaian voters. If the President should fail you and the Ghanaian people at any time, please guide us to recognise this fact quickly and lead us to thumb him out in 2012.

Give us O Lord humble, God-fearing, selfless, responsive and responsible leaders whose actions past and present remain a testimony of who they truly are and will be no matter where they find themselves. Bless all of them, our leaders, the political leaders, the religious leaders, the traditional rulers, parents in homes, teachers in school and all who in many and a small way are responsible for other souls. Do not give us arrogant and loose-talkers. Your people do not deserve immature and corrupt minds to lead them. Ghanaians yearn for a charismatic, development-sick and strong image person of noble and gracious character to lead them on from 2012.

O God of all times and seasons, mark and seal this beautiful Nation of yours with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, so that all powers of darkness, all principalities and forces that acknowledge you not, but plan any form of attack on our country be destroyed right away. Ghana blesses you for blessing her with peace and social and political stability all these years. We are not witnessing the civil strives, social unrests and political turmoil that have befallen our neighbouring countries in the course of the last two decades, thanks to your special grace and favour over Ghana, and thanks also to the maturity of soul and love for neighbour that Ghanaian politicians have displayed in the course our history. Bless us abundantly and lead us on, O Father, to better heights. Cover us with your powerful wings and protect us from the arrows and snares of the evil one. St. Michael, Commander of the Armies of God, slayer of the Dragon, St. Gabriel, carrier and bringer of good news, St. Raphael, guide to the traveller, healer of the people of God and you all others who prostrate constantly before the throne of God, stand your guards at the four corners of this Land and defend this country in times of trouble.

All these I ask of you O God, through the healing blood of your Son Jesus Christ and by the constant intercession of your Ever-Virgin Mother Mary. Amen.

By Harold AD – [email protected]