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Health News of Friday, 14 November 2014


Source: Public Agenda

The raging war on Ebola;Citizens’ group marshalls arsenal for victims

Some Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Ghana, led by SEND- Ghana and the Trades Union Congress, are gearing up to mobilise resources to support victims of the Ebola- affected countries in West Africa, namely Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

The initiative, dubbed, “ Ghanaians Against Ebola Campaign,” seeks to, among other things, assemble clothing and foodstuff from Ghanaians to the victims and to educate Ghanaians on how to protect themselves against the Ebola virus.

At an inception meeting attended by the CSOs and various religious organisations in the country in Accra early this week, SEND-West Africa CEO, Mr Siapha Kamara, indicated that the campaign was “a way of sharing in the fight against Ebola, the fight that would strengthen the bond among the West African Countries.”

Targeted group of the campaign, according to Mr Kamara would include Ghanaian farmers, teachers, nurses, market women, drivers, fisher folk, civil servants and other civil society groups.

These groups, he said, “will be asked to contribute clothing, soap containers (bucket, bowls and basins) toiletries and foodstuffs for their brothers and sisters in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. Those who want to donate clothing will be asked to do so.”

As of 4 November, 13,268 Ebola cases and 4,960 deaths had been reported worldwide, of which majority are from Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.

Mr Kamara furthered on, “The campaign will also take new clothing, especially underpants, T-shirts and blouses. Foodstuffs, including rice or yam could be donated.”

He mentioned that there would not be a centralised collection point until all logistic arrangements to take the items to the affected countries were finalised.

Families and individuals who interested in donating cloths will be given, 'I want to share my cloths with victims of Ebola in Liberia Guinea and Sierra Leone' plastic sack by the Campaign.

Again, Ghana Road Transport Union (GPRTU) Members, who sign up to contribute to the Campaign, would take the sacks of items from designated houses to a central location.

Similar arrangement, he said, would be made for the food stuff. SEND- Ghana, according to him, had opened an account with the Standard Chartered Bank to take the financial donations.

Participants at the meeting admitted that the fight against Ebola should not be left on the shoulders of government alone, that it should be a collective responsibility. For them, the initiative had come at an opportune time and all Ghanaians must come on board to support this generous course.