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General News of Sunday, 17 June 2001


Source: Accra Mail

'Tony Aidoo Was Slapped for Traffic Offence And Rudeness'

Dr. Tony Aidoo, former Deputy Minister of Defence, was truly slapped. An anonymous caller to The Accra Mail said the former minister faced the wrath of a motorist when he drove recklessly and behaved in a rude manner unbecoming of someone who has held high office of state.

Narrating what happened, the caller said, traffic had built up somewhere close to the BNI offices at Ridge and while other motorists were in queue waiting their turn, Dr. Tony Aidoo, he alleged, sped from the back overtaking them, thereby causing further confusion at the head of the queue.

That was when another motorist went up to him to complain about his behaviour. Said the narrator, "When the man asked Dr. Tony Aidoo why he had behaved in such a manner, Tony Aidoo retorted, 'it's because of your foolish parking'. The insult was more than the man could bear and in response he gave the former minister a slap."

Dr. Tony Aidoo was so stunned that all he could do was to say, "so you have slapped me, eh?"

"Yes," said the man.

The former minister did not seem to have any sympathisers or supporters and when the chance offered itself, he sped off.