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Diasporia News of Tuesday, 20 May 2014


Source: NDC USA

Tribute To Late Sir Paul Victor Obeng From NDC USA

With much sorrow, NDC USA expresses its profound regret for the sudden death of Mr. Paul Victor Obeng, Chairman of the National Development Planning Commission and Senior Advisor to President John Mahama. As news about the sudden passing of
Sir. Paul Victor Obeng hit the NDC USA constituent like wildfire on extremely dry leaves, so has sorrows poured-in and even more, as we continually asked ourselves "why has the mighty fallen?" Our hearts are broken, the tears have not ceased to roll down because deep within we feel big holes that cannot be filled. After haven pondered on this question for some time and realized that some answers are not humanly discernible, we quickly come to the realization that God's ways are not ours, and turned to the obviously infallible footprints the most decorated Honorable Paul Victor Obeng has left. Ones we can only try to follow.

While the name "P. V. Obeng" or "P.V" as he is popularly known is synonymous with PNDC & NDC, he limitlessly served the country with vigor and distinction without regards to party affiliations or leanings. "The Patriot" as we have labeled him, is one of the most influential figures of our time who has redefined leadership and public service in an entirely distinguished fashion to such an extent as has motivated many young ones to desire similar service.
Over the past 3 decades, Ghana has enjoyed the honor of having a man with tremendous talent, intelligence, wisdom and energy in its social, political and civil setting.
No doubt in our minds that the continent of Africa has lost yet another decorated son.

In a life filled with trials, P.V never gave-in to self-pity or despair but rather maintained optimistic spirit, sense of humor, and faith in His country Ghana, which he served well until the end. He loved his family and his country dearly and served them until his sudden passing on that fateful day.

Those of us who had the privilege of meeting him in political circles can say without equivocation that his enviable sense of humor and devotion to duty is what impressed most of us about our late comrade. He was unwavering in his principles and yet open-hearted to those who disagreed with him. A man who is indeed an inspiration to those he worked with and admired by many. He never gave-up but displayed a fiery zest for his political views, yet always calmed by his innate bipartisan pragmatism which has endeared him to many. His ability to talk to people of all philosophical persuasions is one of his legacies. An incredibly strong and effective man who had deep respect for everyone he comes in contact with him.

His spirit will continue to lift the hearts of all who seek fairness and compassion in our nation Ghana.

To his family, he was a guardian. To NDC he was a genius and the "idea guy".
We are deeply saddened by his passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family during this difficult time.

Gone now to your place of rest, meet the Lord your Maker with joy.

Written by:

Charles Kpodzo.

Secretary, NDC USA