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Diasporia News of Tuesday, 9 October 2012


Source: Flora Amerley Trebi-Ollennu

Tribute to the late Reverend Samuel Tettey Banfro

Tribute to the late Reverend Samuel Tettey Banfro

by Flora Amerley Trebi-Ollennu

Unquenchable Fire, Unquenchable Call
In the gathering dusk of shifting values even within Christianity, Bishop F. B. Henry of Calgary, Canada, noted that “absolute religious dogmas and invariable ethical principles do not stifle thinking any more than absolute definitions and unalterable geometric postulates stifle the thinking of geometry,” This is an untameable fire of truth. It took hold of Tettey, my friend; and he was untameable, even as a lad, fresh in the Lord, breaking free. It was an empowerment to pursue a holy life, no matter the ferocity of the changing tides.
The empowerment that comes from this truth does not leave other Christians behind. It reaches out to them, touches them; it connects to the God power within them so they can discover their gifts, talents and hidden potentials. It was a cause greater than himself and his lifetime; a call that led him to push the limits to selfless service to launch the dreams of generations of Bible teachers, preachers, gospel singers, gospel music composers and churches, and earned him an eternal footprint on the fabric of Christianity in Ghana.

Miniscule Step, Monster of a Spillover
Several decades ago, I was reading the Daily Graphic or The Spectator when a short story attracted my attention. It was about how Calvary Road Incorporated was started and whose vision it was. I couldn’t help being proud that he was the visionary behind it while only a student at PRESEC. But the most interesting insight I received while reading it was you could do great things for God and you didn’t need to be famous, popular or known. Today, at least four great churches (Harvest Chapel Int, Living Streams, Light House, New Creation) among many others, have sprung forth from Calvary Road because of a small step of obedience by a young secondary school student at PRESEC, sold to God and His holy calling. E. M. Bounds’ statement found complete expression in Rev Tettey’s life: “it is not great talents or great learning or great preachers that God needs, but men great in holiness, great in faith, great in love, great in fidelity, great for God—men always preaching by holy sermons in the pulpit, by holy lives out of it. These can mold a generation for God.”

Engineering Oysters for Jesus
You had no choice. You had to respect both the vessel and the power within. You would either bow or bolt in the rays, sunbathing or slathering on sunscreens of resistance which would only ruin your chances of a joyful and a fulfilling life in Christ. It was not easy sitting on the fence around him. The merest whiff of the old shadow found luxuriating inside your holy members panicked, and succumbed to old shadow fever with all kinds of self-acclaimed teen legislative pieces which couldn’t pass the ‘House’ even in your own home. Ask any Junior ‘Y’ member or teacher who had the ‘unlucky’ but blessed opportunity to be under his leadership during those more austere times. Many an impressionable eye was saved from glimpsing the titillating morsels of a very empty and destructive world system of more is better, fame is greater than being important to God, and holiness a thing for the weak and non-daring. Many teens in the Junior ‘Y’, now parents themselves today, have come to appreciate his values because a life that ‘bares’ watching is obviously ill-clad in God’s Word, both in knowledge and application. Today, many of them are serving in various Christian ministries, looking back in thankfulness to a man of God in whom the constancy and consistency of God’s character and His values were marvellously manifested.
His ministry as the first president of the Bible Study and Prayer Group (BSPG) was not without the manifestation of God’s power. The news spread through the whole of La Community, “The Holy Spirit is moving in La Bethel Presby.” Members of the church couldn’t contain their joy at the abundant manifestation of Holy Ghost power during the ‘week of fasting’ declared by the Bible Study and Prayer Group, when the group was first inaugurated in the church. Every night of that week, the Holy Spirit ‘slew’ about half of the church congregation. Many were set free from bondages, diseases, and others received baptism of the Holy Spirit and special anointing for the Lord’s work. The crusades launched under his leadership were all successful enterprises the Holy Spirit honored with His Presence palpably.

This is Victory: Him Exalting, Self-Abasing!
Measure up! While the tireless soi-disant spiritual giants still not in thrall to the peripatetic preacher, Saint Paul, took it to new heights, he ‘decreased’ so His Master would increase in his life. It was as though the ground flew by and then fell away as we watched pride wade through the pools of discussion led by a facilitator from the Presby. Head Office at a meeting to draw a national curriculum for the Junior ‘Y’ ministry. The facilitator was once somebody you had discipled for years back in secondary school. We walked away with lessons, understanding that ministry without humility is like a rainforest without rain. You did not sit back to allow equal usage of the Ga language at national executive meetings of the BSBG to slide away. You went even further promoting its literary and non-literary forms in your music productions, radio program, sermons and Bible studies.

Star of Abentia We with No Imitations
In spite of their amazing ability to absorb novelty, Abentia We, my mother’s clan house, let you slip through their fingers. You had to abandon your position to lead them to Canaan. They could not contain your holy stance with its progressive freedom. And this first precedent is never attained by imitation. Notwithstanding, to bring them this much honor, you have made them most worthy. The spillover from your ministry has reached out beyond the shores of this country.

My Brother, My Friend
I remember our shared responsibility helping the Junior Youth in our church navigate tough choices and moral dilemmas to make them real winners for Christ and our teaching sessions at BSPG to help semi-literates understand and grow in the knowledge of the Bible. I remember times we dissected various doctrines, times of prayerful fellowships, of hearty conversations. How proud I was to hear you had qualified as a working pastor in the Presby. Church. And then when I visited Ghana after 14 years, you showcased me to your congregation. Then when my daughter and I were about to leave, you met us at the airport, checked through security and kept us company until we were ready to board. You even called Sarah, your lovely wife, and your son, for us to have a last minute pep talk.
Our relationship was defined by the pursuit of sound biblical doctrines and properly placed respect. We encouraged each other to stay true to the end and not to give in even if pressured in the face of what respectable leading pastors mistakenly propagate and promote to their congregations.

March On, March On, Mighty Warrior
With your passing, we are all a little poorer, yet your sound Bible teachings will continue to abound in fruit in many believers through the generations. Some may consider your sudden death a brush with misfortune, but it is rather the opposite. I believe as Hebrews 11:37-38 says: you were one of those saints the world was not worthy of. The Master took you away to be with him. You have run the good race and earned a crown of glory.
Adieu, my good friend. Adieu, my faithful brother. Till we meet again.
Nyemi kpakpa yaawo ojogban.