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Diasporia News of Wednesday, 16 July 2014


Source: Nana Yaa

Untold Stories Behind Miss Ghana USA: (Part 1)

Over the last few years the country Ghana has been engorged with mass amounts of corruption and deception. Resultantly, Ghanaians both home and abroad have strived to make a difference wherever they find themselves by shedding positive lightonto the country in hopes of overcoming the diminishing effects of corruption. One of these many attempts to enlighten Ghana, is the annual Miss Ghana USA pageant...or so they say.

The pageant allegedly empowers young women of the diaspora to make a difference at home by pursuing humanitarian endeavors. Advertised to be a scholarly and altruistic pageant, young women are undoubtedly drawn to not only the glitz and glamour of this pageant, but the promises the pageant claims; These promises, in regards to the pageant’s mission of hoping to be recognized as a “world class organization”, include respect, fairness, and professionalism by the organizers of the pageant. Such values are held by every legitimate world class organization, including The Miss Universe Pageant, The Miss World Pageant,The Miss America Pageant, and even The Miss Ghana Pageant itself. However, not the Miss Ghana USA pageant. A series of unprofessional, unfair, and unjust scenarios that occur every single year of the pageant attest to the fact that the Miss Ghana USA Pageant is by no means, a legitimate pageant that should be taken as seriously as “world class organizations” such as the formerly stated pageants are taken.
GhanaNewsMedia interviewed several contestants and affiliates who unveiled the truth behind The Miss Ghana USA Pageant. The account of one of the 2012 participants, Nana Yaa, is as follows:

How did you hear about or join the pageant?

I originally heard about the pageant because the winner from the previous year of 2011 lived in the same city as I, so when I looked into it, I thought that it would be a great platform for young women to promote themselves, their humanitarian efforts, and the Ghanaian culture.

How did you feel while participating?

I participated in 2012 and honestly I felt the pageant was disorganized. Information was not
consistent or well explained, and when I personally asked questions, I received kind of snubbed rushed answers. Sometimes even a bit rude. The overall vibe was a feeling of disorganization and a bit of chaos.

Would you recommend other women to do this pageant? Why or why not?

I would NOT recommend ANYONE to participate in this pageant because I don't think it's the real deal. There was too much disorganization and things at the end just did not add up. A few things I'll touch on briefly. The point announcement of the winners at the end did not add up at all. The winner was quoted to receive over 800 pts, 1st runner up with over 200 pts, and the 2nd runner up at over 100 pts. With there being a total of 9 girls in the pageant, and reaching a final top 5 girls before announcing the winner, it's mathematically impossible for there to be such a large gap amongst the 9. Also, after the pageant, a number of judges came up to me personally and told me that the results that were announced, did not match what they tallied up and marked down. This is not an attack on any participant of the pageant, but more or so a call of character from The Miss Ghana USA pageant organization and administration. The girls that enter this pageant do so under the pretense that things are fair, and that their genuine hard work and commitment to their respective causes and humanitarian efforts will be recognized and further advanced. I can attest that this is NOT what happens under The Miss Ghana USA administration.

My father, Togbe Venya I, the Ewe Chief of Chicago, dedicated his life to the advancement of Ghanaians by providing and implementing numerous organizations for the Ghanaian community all over the world. In all honesty, people or organizations that claim to do the same work or have the same kind of mission, yet do the opposite, are an insult to all his efforts and his memory. I have decided to speak out against organizations and administrations that are claiming to try and advance or help Ghanaians and are actually doing the exact opposite. They are really for their own selfish pursuits, and operate to bring about their own good, rather than the good of the people. I only share my experience as a testament to the other girls that are going into this with the same thoughts and wishes I did, only to find out the harsh opposite truth. This is for you all, because I at least owe you that much. Don't lose hope by one foul experience. Take it as such and allow it to shape your future experiences and dealings with people in the future.

God bless,
Nana Yaa
More untold stories coming soon