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Press Releases of Wednesday, 28 August 2013


Source: Development Advocates of Upper West Region Association

Victory After Verdict: let's sustain the peace

Ghanaians deserve to be praised and acknowledged for fighting gallantly for Independence. Their vital contributions and other roles played for the realization of a sovereign nation is equally worth mentioning. It was not an easy path they took to opt for and protect democratic system of governance for many decades now, hence the need to once again pat all citizens of our motherland on the shoulder.

It is against this backdrop that the Development Advocates of Upper West Region Association (DAUWRA) with the vision to promoting equitable development through advocacy and lobbying as our cardinal activity, wish to add our voice to the clarion call for peace in these trying moments in our nation’s development.

Peace is not the absence of war, but an indication of a harmonious existence amongst all citizens in a democratic environment which shows all the indications of development.

We at DAUWRA are optimistic of victory for all Ghanaians in the pending verdict in the 2012 general election petition which is currently brought before the highest court of our land. We foresee Ghanaians being pronounced collectively as victors and non-other as vanquish in the pending court ruling except those who are prophets of doom or war mongers.

The light at the end of the tunnel depicts a bright future and not a bleak one for our motherland.

We therefore call on all Ghanaians of diverse persuasions to remember that there is beauty, unity and strength in our diversity, and that as one people we must jealously protect the only country that we have.

DAUWRA has absolute confidence in our honourable panel of judges to deliver a verdict based absolutely on the tenets of the laws of our land. We believe their ruling on the election petition case will be most acceptable to our generation and posterity. We are of the conviction that all stakeholders in our democracy as well as our electoral institutions will be more strengthened and remain more formidable to face the numerous challenges confronting our nation.

As a pressure group and development advocates for Upper Westerners- both home and abroad – we will like to remind the chiefs and people of the region that we are the youngest, the poorest and for that matter the most vulnerable region in Ghana and so must eschew any act or pronouncement that has the tendency of jeopardizing the peace and development of the region.

We call on Ghanaians in general and people of the Upper West Region in particular to vehemently refuse any negative influence from self-seeking groups or individuals that have the tendency of plunging this nation into war.

Upper West Region is noted for its relative peaceful nature and Ghana is being described as the oasis of peace in sub-Saharan Africa and therefore the need to consolidate the gains.

We also use this opportunity to call on the media to be circumspect and more responsible in their reportage on the verdict. We call on media practitioners to show love to mother Ghana by reporting what will unite and not highlight what will divide us. We appeal to the local FM stations to avoid hiding behind Ghanaian proverbs and adages to exaggerate and misinform unsuspecting listeners on issues about the court ruling. According to our nation’s history, some group of journalists have fought for independence, another group continued and fought for the institution of a democratic system of governance and we expect our present crop of media practitioners to uphold and defend our democratic system by being responsible and responsive to our development challenges. The media must owe their loyalty to the ordinary citizens and not to their sponsors, owners or pay masters.

We however, commend the civil society organisationsand political parties especially the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for their peace campaigns and assurances of peace. We will hold them accountable to their words. We expect the winning party to be humble and the losing party to be graceful after the court ruling.

Fellow Ghanaians, we must be ready to rally round the flag of Ghana and move towards the enviable peace we enjoy, and forever live it.

*Long Live Ghana, Long Live Upper West Region,and Long Live DAURA- DAURA one People!!!!*

Linus Bog-yuoye Joachim Gornah

(Secretary) ( Chairman)

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