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Politics of Thursday, 20 September 2012


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Vote for a Party with a comprehensive educational policy

The National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) sees the education of the Ghanaian child as a significant one
that is why the Union sees issues such as; how to deliver quality education; provision of jobs for jobless
graduates and unemployed non-students; how to rally funds to upgrade facilities and infrastructures in the
existing schools and not free education as dominating in the coming General Election. It is pathetic that for
close to a decade the lives of Ghanaian students have been used for experiment by our national leadership
and our politicians seem to be operating on the same tangent.
A tour on our various campuses show signs of lack. It is not a lack of food but lack of quality tools,
equipments and infrastructures that will motivate them to unleashed their God-giving potential without
which our nation-building agenda would be stunted. Education has become the reserve of the rich instead of
the constitutional injunction that “education is a right not a privilege”. There are still more schools in some
major districts of our country that records zero per cent (0%) in our Basic Education Certificate
Examination (BECE); and there are some private school proprietors who have taken the habit of charging
poor students huge money for their external examination registration since 2005 because of lack of clear-cut
supervision by the Ghana Education Service.
Securing the promise of education for the Ghanaian students and youth will be our reason for taking part in
this December polls. We must and will vote for a party with good educational policies and not junk.
NUGS is therefore calling on all students and youth to vote for a party with good direction out of the
doldrums of our Educational system. We have to make our voice count come December else we will miss the
opportunities that comes with education as Ghanaian students and youths.
Austin Brako-Powers Tafhim Gbonta
(Press & Information Secretary) (General Secretary)
Tel: 0242 628 164 Tel: 0243 283 665